Plane-to-Plane Memorandum
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
August 2009 Lesson
Date: July 27, 2009
Beloved Students:
Greetings, and wondrous blessings to each of you as we begin the month of August. May your summer experiences continue to provide you with countless good things, and may you enjoy the summer months of 2009 immensely. I hope each of you has been considering carefully all of our previews of various aspects of balance. I also hope all of you are finding ways to enhance your own personal levels of balance, as well. May you continue to grow in peace and equanimity throughout the coming months.
In our recorded lesson for this month, Balancing Karma and Emptiness, we are carefully exploring the conventional reality and attempting to add at least one new way of observing it. Indeed, I hope this lesson strikes a note with each of you that will aid you in cutting through the illusions of the physical plane.
As you know, our 2009 annual Peace Convocation will be here soon. You can expect another (hopefully profound) look at the power that attaining balance has in the enlightenment process. While I have not spoken directly to this matter, it should be obvious from many of the affirmations provided in the daily thoughts, that balance is unequivocally tied to realizing enlightenment.
Of course, we will be exploring this facet in depth at our Convocation, and I am hopeful that we will have a strong field of potentiality in which to progress. To prepare yourselves for this work, I would suggest that each of you begin making the link between what we might call “supreme balance,” and enlightenment. Indeed, they are powerfully locked together, for none can achieve one without the presence of the other.
In our Convocation, we will also be looking at the ever-present influence of confusion, since such is the general state of those locked in the realm of samsara, and because it is necessary to recognize the level of con-fusion in one’s own life if spiritual liberation is to be attained. Of course, it should go without saying that I hope each of you is diligently working for the liberation of all sentient beings, including yourself, of course, and that our time at Convocation will be especially meaningful to each of you this year.
As you will note in our recorded lesson for this month, quite a bit of attention is given to the conventional reality with the idea of helping each of you trust your own intelligence as regards all that you are hearing about the current economic situation. I want to urge each of you to throw off the trance of believing that you are not sophisticated enough to fully understand what is going on. While there are, of course, multiple opinions being put forth (each with great authority), I challenge all of you to carefully observe the situations that arise before you. Then, make your own decisions as to what is actually taking place. While it is tempting to simply believe that the economy is “in the tank,” I think it wiser to use your native intelligence and decide, based on your direct experience, what you will hold as “true.”
Just in case any of you have missed it, I’m issuing a wake-up call to all of you. In critical times, it is very tempting to slip into one kind of trance or another, which renders one unable to see the true state of anything, let alone draw upon the wisdom to proactively chart one’s own course through the maelstrom. However, most of you know me well enough to know that I truly want each of you to take your power in all moments, but particularly those wherein you might be tempted to fall into a cozy (or so it may feel) trance state. Simply stated, you are all capable of more than that, and I am here, conveniently enough, to remind you of that truth.
As you listen to the lecture for this month, I hope it will be quite clear that something is expected of you at this time. I say this not to complicate any of your already notoriously complicated lives, but to remind you that there are reasons why you happen to be occupying space upon the planet at the current time. These are great times for developing (and deepening) your mudita, metta, karuna and upekkha. In trying times, you will discover that the pressures which appear to arise from the world around you, or the conventional reality, are the very forces needed to launch you forward in these spiritual qualities.
What are the hidden potentials within the events and occurrences arising to greet you at the present time? What do you think the great lessons are for the mass of humanity now inhabiting the planet? How will the planetary process be different for the fact that you, and many others, are now facing these lessons? As you have probably noticed by now, these are the times in which to ask the difficult questions, and if you do not ask them, who will seed the planetary consciousness?
Indeed, for your life to attain some precious meaning (over and above the space of your years), you must en-gage questioning mind in order to grasp the full scope of the meaning you are capable of creating. You see, a meaningful life is not a matter of destiny so much as a matter of creation. Each person must come to realize that s/he is the creator of whatever meaning will be established in his/her own life. While this may seem obvious, I challenge each of you to consider the matter deeply, and then use your intelligence and your creative intent to build, or construct, the meaning you want to set forth in your life.
To accomplish this, you will need to scrutinize your self-reflections on your life. You will need to discover clearly just what the blocks are to your seeing through the veils of illusion that confront you. After all, your own karmic projections are part of the mass illusion, whether or not you have fully realized it by this point. Analyze carefully just why it is that your own mind persists in its dualistic preoccupations, ignoring the fact that all beings are manifestations of the divine force that holds the universe together.
Of course, we have been working on expanding your capacity for upekkha for the previous seven months. I would like to suggest that each of you use the questions above (or similar ones) to consider the depth of your upekkha, or equanimity. It is always the perfect moment to deepen upekkha, and there is never a time when it is not needed, both for your own growth and enlightenment, and for the healing of the planet, as well. Who, after all, is in charge of your spiritual development? Who is in charge of directing your mind into Essence? None can want your own fulfillment more than you.
How expansive, and expressive, is your mudita (sympathetic joy) these days? Are you happy with those who are doing well, or is it easier for you to fall into negative thinking and talking with those who are having a hard time. This latter state will invite some of the difficulties you witness in the lives of others into your own life. Rather than falling into the trance of hardship, difficulty and poverty, why not simply invest great amounts of metta (loving kindness) into the lives of all with whom you share your existence? That certainly beats the trance of hardship and poverty.
This is an excellent time to spread the energy of karuna, (compassion) among all sentient beings. For those who are suffering more than you, offer compassion in the journey they are taking. They, too, fall prey to the karmic bakchaks they have carried, and focusing on compassion prevents your mind from falling into dire straights, or opting for a trance that may take tremendous energy to break. It is important to continually think in terms such as these in order to keep your mind pointed in the correct direction of your enlightenment. I realize this sounds like an arduous task, and to some extent, it actually is. However, it is highly important that you awaken from the trances that confine you in one sleep state or another.
It is important to remember that no matter how difficult the times may be, you are held in beauty and grace. It is important that you actually look for the beauty and grace, because if you cannot see their presence flowing through your life, then you miss the benefits these energies provide. Of course, these are both qualities of your true nature, so even if you have not as yet observed the creative manifestation of them in your daily life, it is important that you act as if you are highly aware of their continued creative presence.
Frankly, the conventional reality is likely to appear a bit confusing for a while. Yet, nothing forces you to be a part of that confusion. You possess your intellect, the vast experiential presence of your collective lives of learning, and you have the ability to stay awake and observe the situations you experience. Use these precious mental qualities. In so doing, you actually strengthen them, and that is, of course, desirable. But further, when you actually reject those old familiar trances that arise to keep you asleep, you empower yourself immeasurably.
You have it within you to realize your enlightenment, and perhaps this is the time you will do so. In truth, most of the great ones who realized their fully awakened states did so in circumstances that they regarded as difficult. Of course, when the mind opens to see the true nature of everything, all of your predecessors could see there was much more going on than the misery they suspected prior to awakening.
I do hope all of you find the type of learning that is now greeting you to be stimulating and in some way, wonderful. While the ego mind may have its moments of stubbornness, try to have a sense of humor at all it uses to dissuade you on your path. Above all, do not let its continual quest for sleep hinder the brilliance of your perfect mind. Even if you have not as yet discovered its luminous quality, I can assure you, its radiant nature is simply disguised by one illusion or another. Cut through; let that cutting through be the reason for your joy and the enthusiasm you offer all other sentient beings!
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 30, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the force of Divine Light, Love and Power restore the Plan of Earth this day! So be it!
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the force of Divine Light, Love and Power restore the Plan of Earth this day! So be it!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Lesson from Djwhal Khul July 2009 Lesson
Plane-to-Plane Memorandum
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
July 2009 Lesson
Date: June 29, 2009
Beloved Students:
Greetings, blessings and the recognition of all things beautiful to each of you as we enter a new month, July, 2009. Those of you who hail from the U.S. will certainly recall that July is the month of liberation – well, at least for your national ego. In July teachings for a number of years, I have held out the opportunity for each of you to use the energy (which is quite strong in the U.S.) to enter the field of liberation at a personal level, as well. Thus, I hope you will bear in mind previous teachings as we focus on the teaching for July of this year.
In considering how to put together our focus for July of 2009, several considerations came to mind. First of all, liberation is truly “at hand” when one’s inner and outer worlds are completely congruent. When all the parts of your being actually are as they appear to be, there is profound freedom from the tyranny of appearances, be they instigated from within or without. This freedom, when realized, accounts for the great and luminous presence experienced when in the presence of spiritual giants. But further, it allows for a softening of the ego, which in turn opens the heart.
Secondly, if I were asked to select a single focus as an example of supreme balance, it would be the synchronization of inner and outer “realities.” Through my own experiences, and through watching the experiences of my students, I can assure you that attaining this level of balance is truly inclusive of all others, even the provocative relationship, and somewhat precarious balancing, of masculine and feminine energies. Of course, one must first see all those abundantly diverse forces for imbalance (as well as their seemingly infinite strata) that operate in the conventional reality before one can cut through their tremendous impact. In the working out of this kind of seeking, multiple realizations of liberation open along the way to the Realization of Liberation.
Thirdly, I have noticed that a number of you who were on our last teleconference have had significant shifts in both your awareness regarding inner and outer synchronization, and in your practical application of the same. Hence, l have decided to use the recorded version of that lecture for the July monthly teaching. Additionally, since only about half of those who subscribe to the Teaching-of-the-Month were actually on that conference call, I wanted to make the lecture available to the entire group of our subscribers to this service. Indeed, it has been rewarding for me to watch the internal response of so many who were on that call, particularly those who are new to our collective service through focused study.
Thus, please join me this month in listening to Balancing Inner and Outer Worlds, the recorded lecture for the last teleconference. This lecture is critical to our 2009 work on balance and equanimity. I believe that even those of you who were on the teleconference will still find plenty to harvest from revisiting this lecture. I am hopeful that each of you will look even more deeply into the rich and compelling dawning of your personal congruency between these “realities.” Most people, of course, have no idea of the relief that is felt when these two very powerful creative realms are unified. When one’s inner and outer realms become congruent, one’s power to manifest is increased markedly, as is one’s capacity for satisfaction and contentment.
Indeed, just what is this illusive “liberation” that spiritual teachers of so many traditions have taught? While terminology may differ from tradition to tradition, and while the parameters for determining the liberated state may vary somewhat, still, when you are around someone who has attained “liberation,” it is palpable to the deeper senses. While there are, of course, many ways to describe the state of mind that liberation brings, all pale in the light of the actual experience. Indeed, it is the realization of this goal to which the aspirant of wisdom charts his/her course. To the one who has realized it, there is no hindrance remaining in life that can tarnish the mind that has been freed.
You, perhaps like many others, may be wondering just what one is freed from in the course of realizing liberation. Well, you could say one is freed from the tyranny of ego mind, with its continual complaining, demanding and overt manipulation. But you could just as well say that the freedom gained is from the domination of samsara, or the destructive influences of those trapped in samsara. Of course, both the ego and the world of samsara are busily trying to convince you that you are not under any kind of control outside yourself. While this is true in the deepest sense, it certainly does not appear to be true in the inner space of the mind.
Have you ever asked yourself what it might be like to awaken each morning to a mind space that is completely at peace with itself, the Divine and the conventional reality? The world would be the world, and you would note that its being just as it is has nothing to do with who you are, nor how you might choose to live on any given day. The physical beauty, or the apparent nature, of everything in the world would inspire you as you search out the true nature of everything. Life would quite likely be different for you than you now experience, although trying to say how it might be different is probably an exercise in one type of illusion or another. After all, deciding how it might appear before it actually appears would likely close the doors to certain possibilities for being and seeing.
However, there are certain things we could say about the liberated state that are both true and uncompromising of any future experience. For example, I think it is safe to say that your liberated heart would be utterly full with the continually arising beauty that is trying to reveal itself in every moment. Having cut through illusion in your own mind and life, you would witness others breaking the bondage of their particular illusions, and you would take such joy (inexpressible joy, in fact) in being so fortunate as to witness the miracle of consciousness expanding.
The petty complaints about your own life will have been dissolved in a sea of gratitude for the profound wonder of life in all the many levels through which Consciousness expresses and partakes of Itself. You would savor the preciousness of physical form, and you would celebrate the dance of emptiness and karma in all its manifestations, as well as that of form and emptiness. You would allow for the presence of illusion at every turn, and marvel at the power of its ability to replicate itself again and again, generation after generation.
You would also be aware of the many opportunities that arise for cutting through the illusions and delusions that afflict all beings with whom you share this planet. You would be saddened by the many opportunities missed by most people. You would see how hard they strive to overcome limiting patterns, but also see how they then march headlong into them, being both aware that change is possible while also believing that the change they seek is quite impossible for them. You would hold this paradox (and many others) in your heart as a precious and lovely quality to the human condition.
You would want to see the eradication of pain and suffering from all levels of consciousness, and you would feel a compelling urge to change everything that lay within your power to change. However, you would also see that to do this, it would be necessary to change the way others perceive their world and relate to it. This, you would note, is impossible, and you would simply love them all the more for their confused attempts to master their own karma. You would not only see the inner place where they “live,” you would see just how they prevent themselves from living (being) in any other mind state. There are always reasons why people are where they are in life, and you would realize there is wisdom in the way their own karma is playing out, even it painful for them. With that realization, you would be able to see the perfection of that karma, and a profound respect would arise for the creative process (even if is seems more like blindness) that brought it all forth. Your sensitive, intelligent heart would feel as if it were about to burst open with love and compassion.
Some people believe that achieving spiritual liberation is merely a means to inhibiting their own pain. In other words, they see the enlightenment process as something they do for themselves. While there is, of course, personal benefit to attaining liberation, to hold such as the primary cause is managing to miss the point. Of course, there are a few who achieve liberation purely as a personal accomplishment, without being particularly concerned about others. However, while this may be possible from a mental standpoint, without the compassion of a bodhisattva, the heart does not fully mature into the heart of a Buddha.
I would like to suggest that instead of celebrating your liberation this year with noisy explosions from various incendiary toys (which have been known to start wild fires and harm people – particularly children), you might want to spend the day in silence, contemplating balance between your inner and outer worlds. Make a list of the areas that you see needing attention now, in order that they may not become obstacles later as you move forward toward realizing your own liberation. Where does it seem the most difficult to bring your worlds into absolute congruency? Next, investigate why such might be so for you. Call yourself to the highest standards for personal transparency, and learn to enjoy lessening the weight of the karmic baggage you now carry.
Know that the contributions you make in elevating your own thoughts, words and actions is a great gift for the planet at this time. It may seem like all the internal work is overbearing at times, but remember, you are taking the internal workshop of the mind. Even if there is none around to stroke your ego for all your hard work, still, your gift to the planet and Her process is immeasurable. Thus, keep on keeping on!
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
July 2009 Lesson
Date: June 29, 2009
Beloved Students:
Greetings, blessings and the recognition of all things beautiful to each of you as we enter a new month, July, 2009. Those of you who hail from the U.S. will certainly recall that July is the month of liberation – well, at least for your national ego. In July teachings for a number of years, I have held out the opportunity for each of you to use the energy (which is quite strong in the U.S.) to enter the field of liberation at a personal level, as well. Thus, I hope you will bear in mind previous teachings as we focus on the teaching for July of this year.
In considering how to put together our focus for July of 2009, several considerations came to mind. First of all, liberation is truly “at hand” when one’s inner and outer worlds are completely congruent. When all the parts of your being actually are as they appear to be, there is profound freedom from the tyranny of appearances, be they instigated from within or without. This freedom, when realized, accounts for the great and luminous presence experienced when in the presence of spiritual giants. But further, it allows for a softening of the ego, which in turn opens the heart.
Secondly, if I were asked to select a single focus as an example of supreme balance, it would be the synchronization of inner and outer “realities.” Through my own experiences, and through watching the experiences of my students, I can assure you that attaining this level of balance is truly inclusive of all others, even the provocative relationship, and somewhat precarious balancing, of masculine and feminine energies. Of course, one must first see all those abundantly diverse forces for imbalance (as well as their seemingly infinite strata) that operate in the conventional reality before one can cut through their tremendous impact. In the working out of this kind of seeking, multiple realizations of liberation open along the way to the Realization of Liberation.
Thirdly, I have noticed that a number of you who were on our last teleconference have had significant shifts in both your awareness regarding inner and outer synchronization, and in your practical application of the same. Hence, l have decided to use the recorded version of that lecture for the July monthly teaching. Additionally, since only about half of those who subscribe to the Teaching-of-the-Month were actually on that conference call, I wanted to make the lecture available to the entire group of our subscribers to this service. Indeed, it has been rewarding for me to watch the internal response of so many who were on that call, particularly those who are new to our collective service through focused study.
Thus, please join me this month in listening to Balancing Inner and Outer Worlds, the recorded lecture for the last teleconference. This lecture is critical to our 2009 work on balance and equanimity. I believe that even those of you who were on the teleconference will still find plenty to harvest from revisiting this lecture. I am hopeful that each of you will look even more deeply into the rich and compelling dawning of your personal congruency between these “realities.” Most people, of course, have no idea of the relief that is felt when these two very powerful creative realms are unified. When one’s inner and outer realms become congruent, one’s power to manifest is increased markedly, as is one’s capacity for satisfaction and contentment.
Indeed, just what is this illusive “liberation” that spiritual teachers of so many traditions have taught? While terminology may differ from tradition to tradition, and while the parameters for determining the liberated state may vary somewhat, still, when you are around someone who has attained “liberation,” it is palpable to the deeper senses. While there are, of course, many ways to describe the state of mind that liberation brings, all pale in the light of the actual experience. Indeed, it is the realization of this goal to which the aspirant of wisdom charts his/her course. To the one who has realized it, there is no hindrance remaining in life that can tarnish the mind that has been freed.
You, perhaps like many others, may be wondering just what one is freed from in the course of realizing liberation. Well, you could say one is freed from the tyranny of ego mind, with its continual complaining, demanding and overt manipulation. But you could just as well say that the freedom gained is from the domination of samsara, or the destructive influences of those trapped in samsara. Of course, both the ego and the world of samsara are busily trying to convince you that you are not under any kind of control outside yourself. While this is true in the deepest sense, it certainly does not appear to be true in the inner space of the mind.
Have you ever asked yourself what it might be like to awaken each morning to a mind space that is completely at peace with itself, the Divine and the conventional reality? The world would be the world, and you would note that its being just as it is has nothing to do with who you are, nor how you might choose to live on any given day. The physical beauty, or the apparent nature, of everything in the world would inspire you as you search out the true nature of everything. Life would quite likely be different for you than you now experience, although trying to say how it might be different is probably an exercise in one type of illusion or another. After all, deciding how it might appear before it actually appears would likely close the doors to certain possibilities for being and seeing.
However, there are certain things we could say about the liberated state that are both true and uncompromising of any future experience. For example, I think it is safe to say that your liberated heart would be utterly full with the continually arising beauty that is trying to reveal itself in every moment. Having cut through illusion in your own mind and life, you would witness others breaking the bondage of their particular illusions, and you would take such joy (inexpressible joy, in fact) in being so fortunate as to witness the miracle of consciousness expanding.
The petty complaints about your own life will have been dissolved in a sea of gratitude for the profound wonder of life in all the many levels through which Consciousness expresses and partakes of Itself. You would savor the preciousness of physical form, and you would celebrate the dance of emptiness and karma in all its manifestations, as well as that of form and emptiness. You would allow for the presence of illusion at every turn, and marvel at the power of its ability to replicate itself again and again, generation after generation.
You would also be aware of the many opportunities that arise for cutting through the illusions and delusions that afflict all beings with whom you share this planet. You would be saddened by the many opportunities missed by most people. You would see how hard they strive to overcome limiting patterns, but also see how they then march headlong into them, being both aware that change is possible while also believing that the change they seek is quite impossible for them. You would hold this paradox (and many others) in your heart as a precious and lovely quality to the human condition.
You would want to see the eradication of pain and suffering from all levels of consciousness, and you would feel a compelling urge to change everything that lay within your power to change. However, you would also see that to do this, it would be necessary to change the way others perceive their world and relate to it. This, you would note, is impossible, and you would simply love them all the more for their confused attempts to master their own karma. You would not only see the inner place where they “live,” you would see just how they prevent themselves from living (being) in any other mind state. There are always reasons why people are where they are in life, and you would realize there is wisdom in the way their own karma is playing out, even it painful for them. With that realization, you would be able to see the perfection of that karma, and a profound respect would arise for the creative process (even if is seems more like blindness) that brought it all forth. Your sensitive, intelligent heart would feel as if it were about to burst open with love and compassion.
Some people believe that achieving spiritual liberation is merely a means to inhibiting their own pain. In other words, they see the enlightenment process as something they do for themselves. While there is, of course, personal benefit to attaining liberation, to hold such as the primary cause is managing to miss the point. Of course, there are a few who achieve liberation purely as a personal accomplishment, without being particularly concerned about others. However, while this may be possible from a mental standpoint, without the compassion of a bodhisattva, the heart does not fully mature into the heart of a Buddha.
I would like to suggest that instead of celebrating your liberation this year with noisy explosions from various incendiary toys (which have been known to start wild fires and harm people – particularly children), you might want to spend the day in silence, contemplating balance between your inner and outer worlds. Make a list of the areas that you see needing attention now, in order that they may not become obstacles later as you move forward toward realizing your own liberation. Where does it seem the most difficult to bring your worlds into absolute congruency? Next, investigate why such might be so for you. Call yourself to the highest standards for personal transparency, and learn to enjoy lessening the weight of the karmic baggage you now carry.
Know that the contributions you make in elevating your own thoughts, words and actions is a great gift for the planet at this time. It may seem like all the internal work is overbearing at times, but remember, you are taking the internal workshop of the mind. Even if there is none around to stroke your ego for all your hard work, still, your gift to the planet and Her process is immeasurable. Thus, keep on keeping on!
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 29, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
By the power of goodness expanding, may Earth have her liberation today, and may all beings everywhere recognize Her True Nature.
by Master Djwhal Khul
By the power of goodness expanding, may Earth have her liberation today, and may all beings everywhere recognize Her True Nature.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 28, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 28, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of All Being, may Earth receive Her divine purification this day, and may all sentient beings everywhere rejoice in her crowning.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of All Being, may Earth receive Her divine purification this day, and may all sentient beings everywhere rejoice in her crowning.
Message from Djwhal Khul June 2009 Lesson
Plane-to-Plane Memorandum
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
June 2009 Lesson
Date: June 1, 2009
Beloved Students:
I greet you with much joy and enthusiasm as we together celebrate the dawning of another new month. How wondrous that we may share in the illumination process of planet Earth! How wondrous that we may recognize and acknowledge the flow of divinity within the mundane and within each other. How exciting that we are privileged to hold the vision for a new Earth! So much to celebrate; so much to witness; so much at which to marvel!
Please join me in listening to An Empire out of Balance, a lecture I recently recorded for you in our continuing series on balance. I do hope that each of you is gaining much from this somewhat elongated focus on balance. Are you discovering that this is a complex and multi-faceted area? Clearly, if the road to balance was an obvious one, it is likely that the planet as a whole would be a bit farther along in creating and implementing a more perfect presentation of this essential quality. However, as you celebrate the dawning potentials for the planet at this time, do not forget to celebrate the balance you are birthing in your own life, as well as that of the planet.
I realize that when I give teachings about the problems that are (and have been) arising on the planet, there is a tendency for some of you to fall into that old familiar state of blame. As you listen to our lecture this month, please note that while the problems of Earth may appear abundant at the present time, they must be shared by everyone who is living and experiencing on the planet at the present time. While it may be tempting to blame the financial moguls, or perhaps short-sighted corporate executives, this is not the answer. As you view the apparent mess that is presenting for solutions at this time, it is tempting to try to find just who is to blame, then mentally try and convict those you deem guilty. However, this is not the answer. In fact, it is more of the same old patriarchal energy that contributed to the problems in the first place.
Because so many of the models you observe and pattern your own lives after continue to persist in the blame game, it may at times be tempting for the ego mind to fall into the same pattern. After all, it may attempt to reason, if you can just find the guilty party, that person could be hanged and life could go on in a better fashion - right?
While it may be tempting to assess blame to a group of people you deem guilty of social crimes against the planet, so doing misses a very important point: they are but parts of you. Now which part(s) of your collective "body" are you going to punish? Some of you may recall hearing teachings like, "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out; if thy hand offend thee, cut it off." Yet, this advice is not particularly practical, is it? Even if you have a hand that is given to stealing, or an eye that is given to lusting, it is doubtful that either cutting off, or plucking out, will solve the problem, since the problem neither begins nor ends in the eye or the hand.
In the recorded lesson for this month, you will hear me stressing several times that all the problems of Earth belong to all the people of Earth. That means that all of you must bear some of the responsibility for all of the problems you perceive. It cannot be otherwise, and all those attempts (in your mind) to separate yourself from all those you deem to be guilty parties, only serves to exacerbate the problem.
The absence of balance, which fostered the non-clarity and distortional motivations that have brought about the current crisis, has arisen from the collective mental conglomerate of the human race and simply cannot be "pinned" on a few select individuals. This is true no matter how harshly you judge the few. It is tempting to slip into victimhood here, is it not? However, the truth lies in the fact that you are not victims. While this may be somewhat difficult to "let in," I assure you that it is only in facing (and embodying) this truth that you can cut through that non-clarity and distortional thinking/ projecting.
While the ramifications of the predicaments that now seem to paralyze the economic flow on Earth may be difficult to deal with in the conventional reality, still, the old patriarchal habits will offer neither solution nor solace. Yet in the face of such difficulty, if you are paying attention you will notice that this moment is ripe with possibility. Indeed, if a solution is to be found, it will come about as a result of consciousness viewing old patterns with fresh eyes - seeing the possibilities that have not previously been seen.
You have surely heard me say that the opportunities for transformation have never been greater than they are at this particular time on the planet. Consider why I might be "preaching" such a message. Since all of you should know by now that you have taken birth at this particular time to usher in the solutions (rather than reiterate the problems), something should be obvious to you. To coin a phrase,
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood from the foundations of the Earth?
You are the ones who have come to birth a new time and in so doing, be reborn yourselves. The birth of which I speak is a birth of consciousness; a birth of the seeing faculty of your inner senses. You are now being called to see not only with your eyes, but with the flow of pure consciousness. You could say that you are being asked to see through the very "eyes" of Oneness. Indeed, such is the only thing that can bring about the transformation of your precious planet, and all beings who call her home.
Since you are part of the creative force that brought forth the beautiful planet you call "Earth," you must then necessarily be part of the creative force that is healing and transforming the planet. You are doing this with the creative power of love - or have you forgotten? As you embody love, you open the birth canal for Love to enter the collective experience. Do you not remember that you took birth into physical form for this very reason? Who among you is separate from this holy process? Who among you claims the right to judge those your ego may deem less than holy?
The answer to both questions is: "None!" What is really at stake here is your willingness (and that of the other pieces of yourself) to take responsibility for what the collective you have brought forth upon the planet (i.e., patriarchal rule), and in the loving wisdom, which is your true collective nature, create something else; something wholesome, something supportive, something clean and pure; something that will generate life energy, rather than a death force.
If you are, in fact, going to bring about this transformation, you must first consider what it might mean to be the author of such a powerful creation. Who (or What) resides within you that is capable of such movement in the physical realm? Who (or What) is seeking to bestow this great balance upon Earth through you? Now I am, of course, speaking of the collective "you," not the little ego "you" who has a personal agenda at every turn of your life. That personal, or local, "you" resides in smallness, even though you make considerable effort to step beyond smallness and enter the creative force field of Essence. Know this: you cannot fight, argue, coerce or struggle your way into such transformation. You can only realize it.
So, it appears that you have come for a purpose, that the time of actualizing that purpose is at hand, and that you are the only one who can accomplish all this. Of course, in perceptible terms, you are the mere projection of your own mind. In the vaster sense, however, you are an expression of divine Essence. Why not place your bets on the vaster Self - that One Who contains all the pieces of Itself in a vast (if not yet perceptible) Whole?
May you have joy this day as you set about realizing your divine potential, and may you bless all with whom you share this remarkable journey.
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
June 2009 Lesson
Date: June 1, 2009
Beloved Students:
I greet you with much joy and enthusiasm as we together celebrate the dawning of another new month. How wondrous that we may share in the illumination process of planet Earth! How wondrous that we may recognize and acknowledge the flow of divinity within the mundane and within each other. How exciting that we are privileged to hold the vision for a new Earth! So much to celebrate; so much to witness; so much at which to marvel!
Please join me in listening to An Empire out of Balance, a lecture I recently recorded for you in our continuing series on balance. I do hope that each of you is gaining much from this somewhat elongated focus on balance. Are you discovering that this is a complex and multi-faceted area? Clearly, if the road to balance was an obvious one, it is likely that the planet as a whole would be a bit farther along in creating and implementing a more perfect presentation of this essential quality. However, as you celebrate the dawning potentials for the planet at this time, do not forget to celebrate the balance you are birthing in your own life, as well as that of the planet.
I realize that when I give teachings about the problems that are (and have been) arising on the planet, there is a tendency for some of you to fall into that old familiar state of blame. As you listen to our lecture this month, please note that while the problems of Earth may appear abundant at the present time, they must be shared by everyone who is living and experiencing on the planet at the present time. While it may be tempting to blame the financial moguls, or perhaps short-sighted corporate executives, this is not the answer. As you view the apparent mess that is presenting for solutions at this time, it is tempting to try to find just who is to blame, then mentally try and convict those you deem guilty. However, this is not the answer. In fact, it is more of the same old patriarchal energy that contributed to the problems in the first place.
Because so many of the models you observe and pattern your own lives after continue to persist in the blame game, it may at times be tempting for the ego mind to fall into the same pattern. After all, it may attempt to reason, if you can just find the guilty party, that person could be hanged and life could go on in a better fashion - right?
While it may be tempting to assess blame to a group of people you deem guilty of social crimes against the planet, so doing misses a very important point: they are but parts of you. Now which part(s) of your collective "body" are you going to punish? Some of you may recall hearing teachings like, "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out; if thy hand offend thee, cut it off." Yet, this advice is not particularly practical, is it? Even if you have a hand that is given to stealing, or an eye that is given to lusting, it is doubtful that either cutting off, or plucking out, will solve the problem, since the problem neither begins nor ends in the eye or the hand.
In the recorded lesson for this month, you will hear me stressing several times that all the problems of Earth belong to all the people of Earth. That means that all of you must bear some of the responsibility for all of the problems you perceive. It cannot be otherwise, and all those attempts (in your mind) to separate yourself from all those you deem to be guilty parties, only serves to exacerbate the problem.
The absence of balance, which fostered the non-clarity and distortional motivations that have brought about the current crisis, has arisen from the collective mental conglomerate of the human race and simply cannot be "pinned" on a few select individuals. This is true no matter how harshly you judge the few. It is tempting to slip into victimhood here, is it not? However, the truth lies in the fact that you are not victims. While this may be somewhat difficult to "let in," I assure you that it is only in facing (and embodying) this truth that you can cut through that non-clarity and distortional thinking/ projecting.
While the ramifications of the predicaments that now seem to paralyze the economic flow on Earth may be difficult to deal with in the conventional reality, still, the old patriarchal habits will offer neither solution nor solace. Yet in the face of such difficulty, if you are paying attention you will notice that this moment is ripe with possibility. Indeed, if a solution is to be found, it will come about as a result of consciousness viewing old patterns with fresh eyes - seeing the possibilities that have not previously been seen.
You have surely heard me say that the opportunities for transformation have never been greater than they are at this particular time on the planet. Consider why I might be "preaching" such a message. Since all of you should know by now that you have taken birth at this particular time to usher in the solutions (rather than reiterate the problems), something should be obvious to you. To coin a phrase,
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood from the foundations of the Earth?
You are the ones who have come to birth a new time and in so doing, be reborn yourselves. The birth of which I speak is a birth of consciousness; a birth of the seeing faculty of your inner senses. You are now being called to see not only with your eyes, but with the flow of pure consciousness. You could say that you are being asked to see through the very "eyes" of Oneness. Indeed, such is the only thing that can bring about the transformation of your precious planet, and all beings who call her home.
Since you are part of the creative force that brought forth the beautiful planet you call "Earth," you must then necessarily be part of the creative force that is healing and transforming the planet. You are doing this with the creative power of love - or have you forgotten? As you embody love, you open the birth canal for Love to enter the collective experience. Do you not remember that you took birth into physical form for this very reason? Who among you is separate from this holy process? Who among you claims the right to judge those your ego may deem less than holy?
The answer to both questions is: "None!" What is really at stake here is your willingness (and that of the other pieces of yourself) to take responsibility for what the collective you have brought forth upon the planet (i.e., patriarchal rule), and in the loving wisdom, which is your true collective nature, create something else; something wholesome, something supportive, something clean and pure; something that will generate life energy, rather than a death force.
If you are, in fact, going to bring about this transformation, you must first consider what it might mean to be the author of such a powerful creation. Who (or What) resides within you that is capable of such movement in the physical realm? Who (or What) is seeking to bestow this great balance upon Earth through you? Now I am, of course, speaking of the collective "you," not the little ego "you" who has a personal agenda at every turn of your life. That personal, or local, "you" resides in smallness, even though you make considerable effort to step beyond smallness and enter the creative force field of Essence. Know this: you cannot fight, argue, coerce or struggle your way into such transformation. You can only realize it.
So, it appears that you have come for a purpose, that the time of actualizing that purpose is at hand, and that you are the only one who can accomplish all this. Of course, in perceptible terms, you are the mere projection of your own mind. In the vaster sense, however, you are an expression of divine Essence. Why not place your bets on the vaster Self - that One Who contains all the pieces of Itself in a vast (if not yet perceptible) Whole?
May you have joy this day as you set about realizing your divine potential, and may you bless all with whom you share this remarkable journey.
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 27, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 27, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of radiant, creative inspiration, may Earth be filled with hope and peace this day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of radiant, creative inspiration, may Earth be filled with hope and peace this day.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 26, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 26, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
By the power of goodness and wisdom, may all that would compromise Earth's magnificence be completely dissolved this day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
By the power of goodness and wisdom, may all that would compromise Earth's magnificence be completely dissolved this day.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 25, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 25, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
I rejoice this day in the obliteration of all that would block the progress of Earth's spiritual accomplishment.
by Master Djwhal Khul
I rejoice this day in the obliteration of all that would block the progress of Earth's spiritual accomplishment.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 24, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 24, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the power of all Creation expanding be a cleansing force for Earth this day, erasing the ugly scars of greed, corruption and deceit.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the power of all Creation expanding be a cleansing force for Earth this day, erasing the ugly scars of greed, corruption and deceit.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Message from Djwhal Khul
Beloved Students and Friends:
Please join me in mobilizing 300,000-500,000 concerned people from around the world to create an Earth Healing Day. The date (which will be announced soon) is an opportunity for people from around the world to chant, pray for planetary healing, and apologize to Earth for the devastation now manifesting in the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We will send a global message of love and purification. To do this, we will call upon other like-minded groups of people to join us. Further, your dedicated focus and loving service is hereby requested to create this massive effort of love Earth is now requesting. Begin seeding this great work in your hearts and minds now. Let us become the vehicle through which Earth receives Her purification.
As you all know, conditions continue to deteriorate in the Gulf of Mexico, as more and more oil, toxic gas and inner-earth debris are spewed from the gushing vents, and now from the ocean floor. (See the video clips on this link:
I have recorded a short message, which you can listen to at (add link here). In it, I request that you add more energy and focus to your meditations for the Gulf by chanting OM and directing the vibrations of your voice right into the Gulf waters. As you do this, hold the intention of dissolving the ever-growing toxicity (specifics information is given in the message). Since the syllable OM carries the energy of dissolution, let your prayers and meditations focus your strongest intention to bring a dissolving force of grace to the Gulf.
I want to thank those of you who have faithfully done the pagoda meditation I offered a couple of months ago. While this meditation has not cleaned up the physical mess, nor revived and healed the wildlife of the region, it has at least siphoned off enough distortional energy to create some energetic openings in the communication process among BP, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the many volunteers who have arisen to the clean-up tasks Earth now requires.
While such may seem a small shift, it is nonetheless an important one. As we create a massive focus among dedicated spiritual aspirants around the world, we can begin the work of dissolving both the toxic energy and the physical particulates. Note: this effort is not to control the outcome (indeed powerful karma is arising that must play out). Rather, it is an effort to put forth our collective finest hour for the planet. Those who participate will have the opportunity to make great shifts in their own consciousness, and that can only bode well for Earth. May our efforts be fully dedicated to healing the Gulf area, and may that healing reach out to embrace all of Earth. Never doubt that a highly focused, transformative field of creative energy projected by a massive number of people can create miracles.
In the recorded message, you will note that I mention I would like to take 300,000 (or more) to the Gulf coast and chant right into the waters of the Gulf. Such would, of course, be a daunting task to organize and manage. However, we can pull together a massive group of highly focused people who can visualize themselves on the Gulf coast, doing chanting and prayerful meditations with a half millions like-minded souls.
I know that you are all committed to being part of the solution for your planet. Earth is seeking a great healing from the wounds She has endured at the hands of uncaring corporate interests. (See also, To launch this massive effort for Earth, I invite you to be a part of a great endeavor to reclaim the Gulf’s pristine beauty, and to raise awareness around the world.
I have asked the leaders of the Vajra Flame Foundation to create a task force to oversee this special work. You will soon be offered more information that is suitable for sharing with other groups of people, inviting their participation in Earth Healing Day. Start creating a list now of people and groups you can approach to join in this collective act of healing service.
Master Djwhal Khul
Beloved Students and Friends:
Please join me in mobilizing 300,000-500,000 concerned people from around the world to create an Earth Healing Day. The date (which will be announced soon) is an opportunity for people from around the world to chant, pray for planetary healing, and apologize to Earth for the devastation now manifesting in the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We will send a global message of love and purification. To do this, we will call upon other like-minded groups of people to join us. Further, your dedicated focus and loving service is hereby requested to create this massive effort of love Earth is now requesting. Begin seeding this great work in your hearts and minds now. Let us become the vehicle through which Earth receives Her purification.
As you all know, conditions continue to deteriorate in the Gulf of Mexico, as more and more oil, toxic gas and inner-earth debris are spewed from the gushing vents, and now from the ocean floor. (See the video clips on this link:
I have recorded a short message, which you can listen to at (add link here). In it, I request that you add more energy and focus to your meditations for the Gulf by chanting OM and directing the vibrations of your voice right into the Gulf waters. As you do this, hold the intention of dissolving the ever-growing toxicity (specifics information is given in the message). Since the syllable OM carries the energy of dissolution, let your prayers and meditations focus your strongest intention to bring a dissolving force of grace to the Gulf.
I want to thank those of you who have faithfully done the pagoda meditation I offered a couple of months ago. While this meditation has not cleaned up the physical mess, nor revived and healed the wildlife of the region, it has at least siphoned off enough distortional energy to create some energetic openings in the communication process among BP, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the many volunteers who have arisen to the clean-up tasks Earth now requires.
While such may seem a small shift, it is nonetheless an important one. As we create a massive focus among dedicated spiritual aspirants around the world, we can begin the work of dissolving both the toxic energy and the physical particulates. Note: this effort is not to control the outcome (indeed powerful karma is arising that must play out). Rather, it is an effort to put forth our collective finest hour for the planet. Those who participate will have the opportunity to make great shifts in their own consciousness, and that can only bode well for Earth. May our efforts be fully dedicated to healing the Gulf area, and may that healing reach out to embrace all of Earth. Never doubt that a highly focused, transformative field of creative energy projected by a massive number of people can create miracles.
In the recorded message, you will note that I mention I would like to take 300,000 (or more) to the Gulf coast and chant right into the waters of the Gulf. Such would, of course, be a daunting task to organize and manage. However, we can pull together a massive group of highly focused people who can visualize themselves on the Gulf coast, doing chanting and prayerful meditations with a half millions like-minded souls.
I know that you are all committed to being part of the solution for your planet. Earth is seeking a great healing from the wounds She has endured at the hands of uncaring corporate interests. (See also, .) To launch this massive effort for Earth, I invite you to be a part of a great endeavor to reclaim the Gulf ’s pristine beauty, and to raise awareness around the world.
I have asked the leaders of the Vajra Flame Foundation to create a task force to oversee this special work. You will soon be offered more information that is suitable for sharing with other groups of people, inviting their participation in Earth Healing Day. Start creating a list now of people and groups you can approach to join in this collective act of healing service.
eNews Footer
This email was sent by:
Vajra Flame Foundation, Ltd.
P.O. Box 383 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
Please join me in mobilizing 300,000-500,000 concerned people from around the world to create an Earth Healing Day. The date (which will be announced soon) is an opportunity for people from around the world to chant, pray for planetary healing, and apologize to Earth for the devastation now manifesting in the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We will send a global message of love and purification. To do this, we will call upon other like-minded groups of people to join us. Further, your dedicated focus and loving service is hereby requested to create this massive effort of love Earth is now requesting. Begin seeding this great work in your hearts and minds now. Let us become the vehicle through which Earth receives Her purification.
As you all know, conditions continue to deteriorate in the Gulf of Mexico, as more and more oil, toxic gas and inner-earth debris are spewed from the gushing vents, and now from the ocean floor. (See the video clips on this link:
I have recorded a short message, which you can listen to at (add link here). In it, I request that you add more energy and focus to your meditations for the Gulf by chanting OM and directing the vibrations of your voice right into the Gulf waters. As you do this, hold the intention of dissolving the ever-growing toxicity (specifics information is given in the message). Since the syllable OM carries the energy of dissolution, let your prayers and meditations focus your strongest intention to bring a dissolving force of grace to the Gulf.
I want to thank those of you who have faithfully done the pagoda meditation I offered a couple of months ago. While this meditation has not cleaned up the physical mess, nor revived and healed the wildlife of the region, it has at least siphoned off enough distortional energy to create some energetic openings in the communication process among BP, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the many volunteers who have arisen to the clean-up tasks Earth now requires.
While such may seem a small shift, it is nonetheless an important one. As we create a massive focus among dedicated spiritual aspirants around the world, we can begin the work of dissolving both the toxic energy and the physical particulates. Note: this effort is not to control the outcome (indeed powerful karma is arising that must play out). Rather, it is an effort to put forth our collective finest hour for the planet. Those who participate will have the opportunity to make great shifts in their own consciousness, and that can only bode well for Earth. May our efforts be fully dedicated to healing the Gulf area, and may that healing reach out to embrace all of Earth. Never doubt that a highly focused, transformative field of creative energy projected by a massive number of people can create miracles.
In the recorded message, you will note that I mention I would like to take 300,000 (or more) to the Gulf coast and chant right into the waters of the Gulf. Such would, of course, be a daunting task to organize and manage. However, we can pull together a massive group of highly focused people who can visualize themselves on the Gulf coast, doing chanting and prayerful meditations with a half millions like-minded souls.
I know that you are all committed to being part of the solution for your planet. Earth is seeking a great healing from the wounds She has endured at the hands of uncaring corporate interests. (See also, To launch this massive effort for Earth, I invite you to be a part of a great endeavor to reclaim the Gulf’s pristine beauty, and to raise awareness around the world.
I have asked the leaders of the Vajra Flame Foundation to create a task force to oversee this special work. You will soon be offered more information that is suitable for sharing with other groups of people, inviting their participation in Earth Healing Day. Start creating a list now of people and groups you can approach to join in this collective act of healing service.
Master Djwhal Khul
Beloved Students and Friends:
Please join me in mobilizing 300,000-500,000 concerned people from around the world to create an Earth Healing Day. The date (which will be announced soon) is an opportunity for people from around the world to chant, pray for planetary healing, and apologize to Earth for the devastation now manifesting in the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We will send a global message of love and purification. To do this, we will call upon other like-minded groups of people to join us. Further, your dedicated focus and loving service is hereby requested to create this massive effort of love Earth is now requesting. Begin seeding this great work in your hearts and minds now. Let us become the vehicle through which Earth receives Her purification.
As you all know, conditions continue to deteriorate in the Gulf of Mexico, as more and more oil, toxic gas and inner-earth debris are spewed from the gushing vents, and now from the ocean floor. (See the video clips on this link:
I have recorded a short message, which you can listen to at (add link here). In it, I request that you add more energy and focus to your meditations for the Gulf by chanting OM and directing the vibrations of your voice right into the Gulf waters. As you do this, hold the intention of dissolving the ever-growing toxicity (specifics information is given in the message). Since the syllable OM carries the energy of dissolution, let your prayers and meditations focus your strongest intention to bring a dissolving force of grace to the Gulf.
I want to thank those of you who have faithfully done the pagoda meditation I offered a couple of months ago. While this meditation has not cleaned up the physical mess, nor revived and healed the wildlife of the region, it has at least siphoned off enough distortional energy to create some energetic openings in the communication process among BP, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the many volunteers who have arisen to the clean-up tasks Earth now requires.
While such may seem a small shift, it is nonetheless an important one. As we create a massive focus among dedicated spiritual aspirants around the world, we can begin the work of dissolving both the toxic energy and the physical particulates. Note: this effort is not to control the outcome (indeed powerful karma is arising that must play out). Rather, it is an effort to put forth our collective finest hour for the planet. Those who participate will have the opportunity to make great shifts in their own consciousness, and that can only bode well for Earth. May our efforts be fully dedicated to healing the Gulf area, and may that healing reach out to embrace all of Earth. Never doubt that a highly focused, transformative field of creative energy projected by a massive number of people can create miracles.
In the recorded message, you will note that I mention I would like to take 300,000 (or more) to the Gulf coast and chant right into the waters of the Gulf. Such would, of course, be a daunting task to organize and manage. However, we can pull together a massive group of highly focused people who can visualize themselves on the Gulf coast, doing chanting and prayerful meditations with a half millions like-minded souls.
I know that you are all committed to being part of the solution for your planet. Earth is seeking a great healing from the wounds She has endured at the hands of uncaring corporate interests. (See also, .) To launch this massive effort for Earth, I invite you to be a part of a great endeavor to reclaim the Gulf ’s pristine beauty, and to raise awareness around the world.
I have asked the leaders of the Vajra Flame Foundation to create a task force to oversee this special work. You will soon be offered more information that is suitable for sharing with other groups of people, inviting their participation in Earth Healing Day. Start creating a list now of people and groups you can approach to join in this collective act of healing service.
eNews Footer
This email was sent by:
Vajra Flame Foundation, Ltd.
P.O. Box 383 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 23, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the collective mind of Earth rest and be purified this day in the flow of infinite Divine Mind.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the collective mind of Earth rest and be purified this day in the flow of infinite Divine Mind.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 22, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the wounded heart of Earth be consumed this day in the fiery Cosmic Heart of Love and Light.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the wounded heart of Earth be consumed this day in the fiery Cosmic Heart of Love and Light.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 21, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 21, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May all that arises this day that would compromise the goodness and pristine beauty of Earth be utterly dissolved in the ocean of Divine Light now descending.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May all that arises this day that would compromise the goodness and pristine beauty of Earth be utterly dissolved in the ocean of Divine Light now descending.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 19, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 19, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of all human consciousness, may Divine Consciousness now be fully transmitted to Earth's sentient beings.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the Source of all human consciousness, may Divine Consciousness now be fully transmitted to Earth's sentient beings.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 18, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 18, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of the human soul collective, may Love and Light be drawn to Earth this day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of the human soul collective, may Love and Light be drawn to Earth this day.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 17, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 17, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the core of sentient beingness, let love and light be authentically reflected this day throughout the physical realm.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the core of sentient beingness, let love and light be authentically reflected this day throughout the physical realm.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 16, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the arising point of human consciousness, let the Plan of Love and Light shine forth with abundant wonder this day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the arising point of human consciousness, let the Plan of Love and Light shine forth with abundant wonder this day.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 15, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the wisdom and purpose held and served by all Earth's Masters be awakened today in the hearts and minds of humanity.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the wisdom and purpose held and served by all Earth's Masters be awakened today in the hearts and minds of humanity.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 7, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 14, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic core of Grace and Wisdom, let grace and wisdom fill the Earth today.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic core of Grace and Wisdom, let grace and wisdom fill the Earth today.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 13, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 13, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Purpose imprints this universe, let that holy vibration now stream forth into this planetary expression.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Purpose imprints this universe, let that holy vibration now stream forth into this planetary expression.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 12, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 12, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Will lives and breathes, let Divine Purpose flood the field of human consciousness today.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Will lives and breathes, let Divine Purpose flood the field of human consciousness today.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 11,2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 11, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Will is known, let Divine purpose now abundantly grace the little wills of human beings.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the cosmic center where Divine Will is known, let Divine purpose now abundantly grace the little wills of human beings.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 10, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 10, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the body of wisdom and magnificence anchored here by the contributions of all Spiritual Masters arise this day, blessing and purifying Earth.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the body of wisdom and magnificence anchored here by the contributions of all Spiritual Masters arise this day, blessing and purifying Earth.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 9, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of love within the Great Heart, let love reverberate in every human heart and mind this day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of love within the Great Heart, let love reverberate in every human heart and mind this day.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 8, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the oceanic source of Love Divine, let love now become the greatest force on Earth.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the oceanic source of Love Divine, let love now become the greatest force on Earth.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Daily thought for Monday, June 7, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, June 7, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of love within the unimaginable Heart of Hearts, let Love embrace this precious world today.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of love within the unimaginable Heart of Hearts, let Love embrace this precious world today.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, June 6, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of love within the Cosmic Heart, let love now stream forth into all human hearts.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of love within the Cosmic Heart, let love now stream forth into all human hearts.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 5, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, June 5, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the universal source of grace and wonder, let Earth now be filled with Light!
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the universal source of grace and wonder, let Earth now be filled with Light!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 4, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 4, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of light within the infinite Divine, let light now stream into the darkest point on Earth.
Daily Thought
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of light within the infinite Divine, let light now stream into the darkest point on Earth.
Daily Thought
Daily Thought for Friday, June 4, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, June 4, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of light within the infinite Divine, let light now stream into the darkest point on Earth.
Daily Thought
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the point of light within the infinite Divine, let light now stream into the darkest point on Earth.
Daily Thought
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 3, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, June 3, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the oceanic source of radiant light, let wisdom be anchored now to Earth, that Her purification may be complete.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the oceanic source of radiant light, let wisdom be anchored now to Earth, that Her purification may be complete.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Daily Thought for Wednesday, June 2, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of light within Divine Mind, let light forever stream into the field of human consciousness.
by Master Djwhal Khul
From the depth of light within Divine Mind, let light forever stream into the field of human consciousness.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Daily Thought for Tuesday, June 1, 2010
From the point of light within the infinite Divine, let light now stream forth to cleanse all points on Earth.
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