Daily Thought for Tuesday, July 6, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May purity and goodness arise on Earth this day, ascending from the foul pools of pollution just as the legendary phoenix rises from is depleted ashes.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, July 5, 2010
Daily Thought for Monday, July 5, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the suffering Earth has experienced at the hands of Her children be utterly dissolved this day in a comic flow of loving kindness.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the suffering Earth has experienced at the hands of Her children be utterly dissolved this day in a comic flow of loving kindness.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, July 4, 2010
Daily Thought for Sunday, July 4, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May Earth have her full liberation this day, and may Her bondage to the darkness of Her children be forever obliterated.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May Earth have her full liberation this day, and may Her bondage to the darkness of Her children be forever obliterated.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, July 3, 2010
Daily Thought for Saturday, July 3, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May Earth be freed this day from the darkness of the collective karma of Her children, and may grace be restored to the planetary experience.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May Earth be freed this day from the darkness of the collective karma of Her children, and may grace be restored to the planetary experience.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lesson from Djwhal Khul July 2010 Lesson
Plane-to-Plane Memorandum
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
July 2010 Lesson
Date: June 28, 2010
Beloved Students:
We come together in focus once again for the benefit of precious Earth. As we recognize the terrible destruction now taking place in the Gulf of Mexico, as we humbly acknowledge the great toll being extracted upon innocent beings living in the Gulf, may we redouble our dedication for cleansing and purification now! May the commitment that each of you feels be magnified 100-fold, and may the pristine beauty for which this Gulf was once known be restored! So be it!
As we come together this month, may the fact that we join hearts and minds in an effort to bring healing to the Gulf benefit all sentient beings now affected by the toxic dump the Gulf has become. I recognize that even though each of you must surely feel devastated by the unfolding predicament in the Gulf, I also realize that it is easy to lose your focus on the Gulf at this time. You have heard so much about the situation, and because many of you find yourselves miles from the Gulf, it seems as if there is nothing you can do to change the flow of this current of destruction.
Please hold the Gulf proper, as well as all the beings that dwell in and around the Gulf, in your continued prayers of blessing and healing. Clearly, the prayer/meditation offerings you make work at the etheric level, opening the way for blessings and healing to become manifest at a physical level. Indeed, great effort needs to come forth at both levels. Even with the collection of all the offerings that my group of students has brought forth (and indeed, some of you have been stunning in your consideration for, and offerings to, Earth), much more is needed.
Thus, I am asking that you join me in creating a massive focus for the very healing that is needed. As you should all know by now, planetary consciousness is a shared consciousness, and is one in which all of you participate. The karma that is now arising, and which is driving all the non-clarity and distortion in both the Gulf of Mexico and the world at large, is planetary karma.
This means that even though you did not personally dump oil in the Gulf waters, part of this karma is yours, since you are part of the planetary community. Indeed, what is manifesting is the combined non-clarity and distortion of millennia. Know that Earth has been carrying all this distortional energy ever since the collective force of human mentality generated it. Now, it is time for that energy to be transformed into a force for planetary enlightenment. Barring that, it must be released from planetary consciousness. Currently, you are witnessing the planet release toxicity built up over thousands of years.
Because part of the karma manifesting is yours, each of you will want to work inwardly to purify toxic residue in your own mind. These manifest through feelings of disharmony and/or retaliation, grudges held, even the presence of something so seemingly insignificant as episodes of grumpy or complaining mind. But further, because this is group karma arising, you must take your work into the group setting. It is naïve to think that a little work with your own mind will solve all the problems in the Gulf.
While work on your own mind is clearly important, it is time to go deeper in the work of purification. Earth is your planetary home, and you must do what is necessary to preserve Her precious life force, and offer the full service of which your heart and mind are capable. Join me in declaring August 15, 2010 Earth Healing Day.
Please join me also in inviting people from other organizations and concerned spiritual aspirants all around the world to hold as a sacred time for planetary healing from noon in their respective time zones until 13:00 (1:00 p.m.) as a sacred time for offering prayers of healing, directing healing energies into the gulf of Mexico, chanting, and asking Earth’s forgiveness for the presence of the planetary karma now driving the destructive forces in the Gulf.
Our goal is to secure people in virtually every time zone around the planet to participate. In this manner, there will be a wave of dedicated focus spanning a full 24 hours. Please notify any and all persons you think might be willing to participate in this service. VFF will have a task force in place to organize the efforts of all our members, and provide information that you can use in e-mails or letters. As you are all aware, I seldom ask for 100% participation from our membership. I am doing so now, for a couple of reasons.
In the first place, time is running out for the Gulf and its inhabitants. This should be painfully clear to all of you at this point. But further, the time-frame for responding to the darkness now emerging in planetary consciousness is also limited. Do not think that the citizens of Earth have lifetimes to clean up the karma they have created over the past several thousand years. Indeed, if this mess of collective experiencing is not addressed immediately, there could be a radical shift in the Earth experience. Most of you have heard of periods of planetary experiencing wherein the planet was literally set back significantly in Her spiritual journey. This time certainly has, as one potential, the possibility of forestalling planetary evolution in much the same manner as the destruction of Atlantis.
While I do not say these things to frighten you, I do believe it is important that every being who cares for the future of the planet understand the gravity of the current situation, and recognize that the stakes are indeed high. Fear, for those of you who are prone to lose yourselves in it, will not rectify the problems that have manifest, but will offer much energy toward the setting back of Earth’s evolutionary process.
For those of you who will be attending the Recession-Proofing Your Mind workshop in Denver scheduled for August 14-15, we will utilize the selected time on the 15th to do a powerful group meditation for the Gulf/Earth. I do hope all of you who can make the event will recognize the importance of being with a dedicated group of people on August 15th. If you do not recognize this importance, then please listen to your friends and spiritual family members who do understand the power of community effort in such matters.
From my perspective, it is all too obvious that the calamity in the Gulf of Mexico is directly related to the kind of recession-induced mentality that is currently gripping the planet. Can you not see that such is a type of death energy? In our lesson this month, I speak to the collective arising of this death energy. You are being called to step into your vastness now and make a profound difference for the planet that has supported your growth and transformation in your many lifetimes.
Please join me this month (July, 2010) in listening to the lecture I recently created for you entitled, Critical Stress and a Weakening Planet. Please recognize that you took birth, in this life, to aid your planet as She undergoes the travail that leads to Her new life. Do not think that you can simply leave this responsibility to others. These are the times for which you took birth. These are the times in which you can establish the finest hour of what it is to be human. Do not miss this opportunity to rise to the very greatness for which you were born.
I will ask you this month, as I did last month, an important question: Has your journey been one of taking from Earth or one of giving back to Earth? This is your time to give back to your precious planet in an unprecedented way. Will you harken to Her call, or will you turn a deaf ear to her cries for your support and focused healing? These are the times, and you are the ones who took birth for the healing of Earth. Will you awaken to the call that is now being sounded by your precious planet?
Please awaken. Make your constant offering of will and heart to the healing of Earth. Know that She cannot do this alone. She has been insulted for millennia by the karma of war, thievery, greed, corruption, neglect and complacency. Yes, to your dear planet, neglect and complacency are as destructive as are these other “sins” you find so easy to castigate in others ~ particularly corporate giants that place their own interests above the well-being of the planet.
As I have said to you so many times, you have come from Love. Indeed, there is no other source from which you could possibly originate. Love sustains you and continually blesses you. Can you now afford not to offer the love of your Source (that begat you and sustains you) to your planet? Join me in bringing together a half million people to offer the healing work on August 15, 2010.
Your loving Teacher,
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
July 2010 Lesson
Date: June 28, 2010
Beloved Students:
We come together in focus once again for the benefit of precious Earth. As we recognize the terrible destruction now taking place in the Gulf of Mexico, as we humbly acknowledge the great toll being extracted upon innocent beings living in the Gulf, may we redouble our dedication for cleansing and purification now! May the commitment that each of you feels be magnified 100-fold, and may the pristine beauty for which this Gulf was once known be restored! So be it!
As we come together this month, may the fact that we join hearts and minds in an effort to bring healing to the Gulf benefit all sentient beings now affected by the toxic dump the Gulf has become. I recognize that even though each of you must surely feel devastated by the unfolding predicament in the Gulf, I also realize that it is easy to lose your focus on the Gulf at this time. You have heard so much about the situation, and because many of you find yourselves miles from the Gulf, it seems as if there is nothing you can do to change the flow of this current of destruction.
Please hold the Gulf proper, as well as all the beings that dwell in and around the Gulf, in your continued prayers of blessing and healing. Clearly, the prayer/meditation offerings you make work at the etheric level, opening the way for blessings and healing to become manifest at a physical level. Indeed, great effort needs to come forth at both levels. Even with the collection of all the offerings that my group of students has brought forth (and indeed, some of you have been stunning in your consideration for, and offerings to, Earth), much more is needed.
Thus, I am asking that you join me in creating a massive focus for the very healing that is needed. As you should all know by now, planetary consciousness is a shared consciousness, and is one in which all of you participate. The karma that is now arising, and which is driving all the non-clarity and distortion in both the Gulf of Mexico and the world at large, is planetary karma.
This means that even though you did not personally dump oil in the Gulf waters, part of this karma is yours, since you are part of the planetary community. Indeed, what is manifesting is the combined non-clarity and distortion of millennia. Know that Earth has been carrying all this distortional energy ever since the collective force of human mentality generated it. Now, it is time for that energy to be transformed into a force for planetary enlightenment. Barring that, it must be released from planetary consciousness. Currently, you are witnessing the planet release toxicity built up over thousands of years.
Because part of the karma manifesting is yours, each of you will want to work inwardly to purify toxic residue in your own mind. These manifest through feelings of disharmony and/or retaliation, grudges held, even the presence of something so seemingly insignificant as episodes of grumpy or complaining mind. But further, because this is group karma arising, you must take your work into the group setting. It is naïve to think that a little work with your own mind will solve all the problems in the Gulf.
While work on your own mind is clearly important, it is time to go deeper in the work of purification. Earth is your planetary home, and you must do what is necessary to preserve Her precious life force, and offer the full service of which your heart and mind are capable. Join me in declaring August 15, 2010 Earth Healing Day.
Please join me also in inviting people from other organizations and concerned spiritual aspirants all around the world to hold as a sacred time for planetary healing from noon in their respective time zones until 13:00 (1:00 p.m.) as a sacred time for offering prayers of healing, directing healing energies into the gulf of Mexico, chanting, and asking Earth’s forgiveness for the presence of the planetary karma now driving the destructive forces in the Gulf.
Our goal is to secure people in virtually every time zone around the planet to participate. In this manner, there will be a wave of dedicated focus spanning a full 24 hours. Please notify any and all persons you think might be willing to participate in this service. VFF will have a task force in place to organize the efforts of all our members, and provide information that you can use in e-mails or letters. As you are all aware, I seldom ask for 100% participation from our membership. I am doing so now, for a couple of reasons.
In the first place, time is running out for the Gulf and its inhabitants. This should be painfully clear to all of you at this point. But further, the time-frame for responding to the darkness now emerging in planetary consciousness is also limited. Do not think that the citizens of Earth have lifetimes to clean up the karma they have created over the past several thousand years. Indeed, if this mess of collective experiencing is not addressed immediately, there could be a radical shift in the Earth experience. Most of you have heard of periods of planetary experiencing wherein the planet was literally set back significantly in Her spiritual journey. This time certainly has, as one potential, the possibility of forestalling planetary evolution in much the same manner as the destruction of Atlantis.
While I do not say these things to frighten you, I do believe it is important that every being who cares for the future of the planet understand the gravity of the current situation, and recognize that the stakes are indeed high. Fear, for those of you who are prone to lose yourselves in it, will not rectify the problems that have manifest, but will offer much energy toward the setting back of Earth’s evolutionary process.
For those of you who will be attending the Recession-Proofing Your Mind workshop in Denver scheduled for August 14-15, we will utilize the selected time on the 15th to do a powerful group meditation for the Gulf/Earth. I do hope all of you who can make the event will recognize the importance of being with a dedicated group of people on August 15th. If you do not recognize this importance, then please listen to your friends and spiritual family members who do understand the power of community effort in such matters.
From my perspective, it is all too obvious that the calamity in the Gulf of Mexico is directly related to the kind of recession-induced mentality that is currently gripping the planet. Can you not see that such is a type of death energy? In our lesson this month, I speak to the collective arising of this death energy. You are being called to step into your vastness now and make a profound difference for the planet that has supported your growth and transformation in your many lifetimes.
Please join me this month (July, 2010) in listening to the lecture I recently created for you entitled, Critical Stress and a Weakening Planet. Please recognize that you took birth, in this life, to aid your planet as She undergoes the travail that leads to Her new life. Do not think that you can simply leave this responsibility to others. These are the times for which you took birth. These are the times in which you can establish the finest hour of what it is to be human. Do not miss this opportunity to rise to the very greatness for which you were born.
I will ask you this month, as I did last month, an important question: Has your journey been one of taking from Earth or one of giving back to Earth? This is your time to give back to your precious planet in an unprecedented way. Will you harken to Her call, or will you turn a deaf ear to her cries for your support and focused healing? These are the times, and you are the ones who took birth for the healing of Earth. Will you awaken to the call that is now being sounded by your precious planet?
Please awaken. Make your constant offering of will and heart to the healing of Earth. Know that She cannot do this alone. She has been insulted for millennia by the karma of war, thievery, greed, corruption, neglect and complacency. Yes, to your dear planet, neglect and complacency are as destructive as are these other “sins” you find so easy to castigate in others ~ particularly corporate giants that place their own interests above the well-being of the planet.
As I have said to you so many times, you have come from Love. Indeed, there is no other source from which you could possibly originate. Love sustains you and continually blesses you. Can you now afford not to offer the love of your Source (that begat you and sustains you) to your planet? Join me in bringing together a half million people to offer the healing work on August 15, 2010.
Your loving Teacher,
Daily Thought for Friday, July 2, 2010
Daily Thought for Friday, July 2, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the sentient beings of Earth hold forth this day complete respect and utter appreciation for Her sacrifices on behalf of them.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the sentient beings of Earth hold forth this day complete respect and utter appreciation for Her sacrifices on behalf of them.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Lesson from Djwhal Khul Sept 2009
Plane-to-Plane Memorandum
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
September 2009 Lesson
Date: August 27, 2009
Beloved Students:
I greet you in the wonder and magnificence of a planet in change, and I celebrate with you the amazing opportunities that are unfolding in the collective human journey. As you celebrate the autumnal equinox this year, may each of you know true balance in your life. May you open to the exquisite forces that now come forth, and may you dedicate both your learning and your spiritual transformation to Earth and all Her precious beings.
As you contemplate your personal journey, what new level of balance are you observing? Are you witnessing your own progress easily, or is the business of attaining greater balance still a bit of a mystery for you? Whatever your perceived condition of the moment, remember: it is never too late to choose balance (over chaos) as the rule and measure for your beautiful life.
As we near our annual Peace Convocation, I hope each of you is at peace with your personal growth and spiritual progress thus far in 2009. You will, of course, certainly have additional opportunities this year to enhance your current level of balance and apply your accomplishments in all areas of your life. The important thing now, however, is to celebrate your accomplishments, and to do so with the magnificence and grace of your true nature.
As you bear witness to your spiritual progress, it is important to periodically recommit to your personal growth intentions. As you must surely know by now, I am always in favor of “raising the bar,” since doing so demonstrates your commitment to creating your way to the next level of spiritual attainment. Indeed, many people may have lost some ground, spiritually speaking, in the chaotic intensity of 2008/09. Maintaining continuous focus on personal balance, however, will help you remain calm and serene – no matter how complicated and intense life may prove.
Therefore, to negotiate these times well, it is probably important to be fully aware of your commitments to yourself. I say this not to en-courage self-importance, nor any kind of ego inflation, but to bring to light a latent tendency for some of you. I have noticed that some of my students are good at keeping their commitments to others, but fall down a bit on keeping their commitments to themselves.
I suggest that each of you take a moment to consider whether such might be true for you. Do you find that you effort significantly to keep your commitments of time and tasks to other people, but become negligent about the commitments you make to yourself? Do you have difficulty finding time for your personal spiritual practice because you feel torn by commitments to family, friends and your work? If so, please know that you have a lot of company!
While I am certainly not suggesting that you break commitments made to others simply to clear your schedule, I do think it is important to consider whether or not your ego may use those commitments to others to override (or ignore altogether) the important spiritual promises you have made to yourself. Know that those egos are highly adept at finding ways to skirt issues that pertain to one’s spiritual development. In truth, egos have skillfully demonstrated this adept faculty for ages.
How do egos do this? Often, egos have a way (or several ways) of reinforcing the old notion that you are separate from other beings. The stronger the sense of duality seems, the easier it is for the ego to reflect duality to engage com-paring mind. Its goal is to pit commitments made to yourself against commitments made to others. Then, the ego will likely entreat you to accept an either/or position that compels a choice between spiritual service rendered to others and spiritual service rendered toward your own enlightenment. The ego can be very convincing, and if you are not ever mindful of its machinations, you may find yourself thoughtlessly following its lead.
While it is not quite accurate to say the ego is to blame, I think we can probably agree that it is pretty good at finding ways to convince you of its most prized arguments. It is so good, in fact, that you often do not even question it. Perhaps it has held sway in your experiential realm for lifetimes, and its forcefulness is so trance-inducing that you simply remain asleep, even though your intentions are to become fully awakened in all areas of your life.
Perhaps this is the perfect time to take stock of commitments to yourself that may have fallen through the cracks in your busy life. Perhaps you have felt over-burdened with the number of responsibilities you may have. I notice that many of you are experiencing stress at levels you have never previously experienced, and that can indeed make for a difficult time in sorting out all those commitments. I also notice that to cope with the stress and the commitments, many of you simply try to put the matter out of mind. This strategy, at the very least, seems better than continually beating yourself up with critical mind.
The problem here is that ignoring the matter does not solve it. You will likely still feel over-burdened, and the ego will try to convince you to simply avoid thinking about that, as well. Suspended over time, this practice can give rise to considerable denial, which only complicates things further by leaving you feeling not only overwhelmed, but also depressed. If you know depression, you probably also know its presence can trigger further feelings of guilt and confusion rather than providing a sense of accomplishment or confidence in your spiritual path.
Lacking confidence in your path may bring up many different types of mental afflictions: fear, anger, hesitation, even hostility and disrespect for both yourself and all others who are on spiritual paths. While it would not be accurate to say that depression is the cause for the succeeding emotional states here mentioned, it is fair to say that in the midst of so many potential emotional influences, most folks might miss the underlying consideration altogether: that of not keeping their personal spiritual commitments to themselves.
Additionally, there may also be challenges in stabilizing balance between their inner and outer worlds. I have noticed that some of my students keep their commitments to others out of a sense of guilt, which can also lead to un-pleasant mental states. When a commitment is kept out of a sense of obligation, it is no longer a gift to the other person. Rather, it becomes a burden to the one keeping the commitment/ obligation. Some would argue that commitments to others are indeed obligations – obligations to keep one’s word. While this is of course true, if one cannot keep one’s commitments to others with a generous spirit, then perhaps those commitments, and the meaning behind them, should be examined further.
While I am not suggesting that reneging on commitments is appropriate, I am putting forth that ruthless self-examination is always appropriate. However, the point of ruthless self-examination is not to cultivate a sense of guilt, but to learn balance in the area of commitments, and competence in keeping commitments made to one’s self.
Please join me this month in listening to the lecture I recently recorded for you, entitled Supreme Balance. In it I have given some suggestions for preparing for this year’s Peace Convocation, and some additional thoughts on this business of keeping the commitments you make to yourselves. While this may seem a small thing to some of you, it turns out to be a major spiritual stumbling block for many people.
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
To: My Beloved Students
From: Master Djwhal Khul
September 2009 Lesson
Date: August 27, 2009
Beloved Students:
I greet you in the wonder and magnificence of a planet in change, and I celebrate with you the amazing opportunities that are unfolding in the collective human journey. As you celebrate the autumnal equinox this year, may each of you know true balance in your life. May you open to the exquisite forces that now come forth, and may you dedicate both your learning and your spiritual transformation to Earth and all Her precious beings.
As you contemplate your personal journey, what new level of balance are you observing? Are you witnessing your own progress easily, or is the business of attaining greater balance still a bit of a mystery for you? Whatever your perceived condition of the moment, remember: it is never too late to choose balance (over chaos) as the rule and measure for your beautiful life.
As we near our annual Peace Convocation, I hope each of you is at peace with your personal growth and spiritual progress thus far in 2009. You will, of course, certainly have additional opportunities this year to enhance your current level of balance and apply your accomplishments in all areas of your life. The important thing now, however, is to celebrate your accomplishments, and to do so with the magnificence and grace of your true nature.
As you bear witness to your spiritual progress, it is important to periodically recommit to your personal growth intentions. As you must surely know by now, I am always in favor of “raising the bar,” since doing so demonstrates your commitment to creating your way to the next level of spiritual attainment. Indeed, many people may have lost some ground, spiritually speaking, in the chaotic intensity of 2008/09. Maintaining continuous focus on personal balance, however, will help you remain calm and serene – no matter how complicated and intense life may prove.
Therefore, to negotiate these times well, it is probably important to be fully aware of your commitments to yourself. I say this not to en-courage self-importance, nor any kind of ego inflation, but to bring to light a latent tendency for some of you. I have noticed that some of my students are good at keeping their commitments to others, but fall down a bit on keeping their commitments to themselves.
I suggest that each of you take a moment to consider whether such might be true for you. Do you find that you effort significantly to keep your commitments of time and tasks to other people, but become negligent about the commitments you make to yourself? Do you have difficulty finding time for your personal spiritual practice because you feel torn by commitments to family, friends and your work? If so, please know that you have a lot of company!
While I am certainly not suggesting that you break commitments made to others simply to clear your schedule, I do think it is important to consider whether or not your ego may use those commitments to others to override (or ignore altogether) the important spiritual promises you have made to yourself. Know that those egos are highly adept at finding ways to skirt issues that pertain to one’s spiritual development. In truth, egos have skillfully demonstrated this adept faculty for ages.
How do egos do this? Often, egos have a way (or several ways) of reinforcing the old notion that you are separate from other beings. The stronger the sense of duality seems, the easier it is for the ego to reflect duality to engage com-paring mind. Its goal is to pit commitments made to yourself against commitments made to others. Then, the ego will likely entreat you to accept an either/or position that compels a choice between spiritual service rendered to others and spiritual service rendered toward your own enlightenment. The ego can be very convincing, and if you are not ever mindful of its machinations, you may find yourself thoughtlessly following its lead.
While it is not quite accurate to say the ego is to blame, I think we can probably agree that it is pretty good at finding ways to convince you of its most prized arguments. It is so good, in fact, that you often do not even question it. Perhaps it has held sway in your experiential realm for lifetimes, and its forcefulness is so trance-inducing that you simply remain asleep, even though your intentions are to become fully awakened in all areas of your life.
Perhaps this is the perfect time to take stock of commitments to yourself that may have fallen through the cracks in your busy life. Perhaps you have felt over-burdened with the number of responsibilities you may have. I notice that many of you are experiencing stress at levels you have never previously experienced, and that can indeed make for a difficult time in sorting out all those commitments. I also notice that to cope with the stress and the commitments, many of you simply try to put the matter out of mind. This strategy, at the very least, seems better than continually beating yourself up with critical mind.
The problem here is that ignoring the matter does not solve it. You will likely still feel over-burdened, and the ego will try to convince you to simply avoid thinking about that, as well. Suspended over time, this practice can give rise to considerable denial, which only complicates things further by leaving you feeling not only overwhelmed, but also depressed. If you know depression, you probably also know its presence can trigger further feelings of guilt and confusion rather than providing a sense of accomplishment or confidence in your spiritual path.
Lacking confidence in your path may bring up many different types of mental afflictions: fear, anger, hesitation, even hostility and disrespect for both yourself and all others who are on spiritual paths. While it would not be accurate to say that depression is the cause for the succeeding emotional states here mentioned, it is fair to say that in the midst of so many potential emotional influences, most folks might miss the underlying consideration altogether: that of not keeping their personal spiritual commitments to themselves.
Additionally, there may also be challenges in stabilizing balance between their inner and outer worlds. I have noticed that some of my students keep their commitments to others out of a sense of guilt, which can also lead to un-pleasant mental states. When a commitment is kept out of a sense of obligation, it is no longer a gift to the other person. Rather, it becomes a burden to the one keeping the commitment/ obligation. Some would argue that commitments to others are indeed obligations – obligations to keep one’s word. While this is of course true, if one cannot keep one’s commitments to others with a generous spirit, then perhaps those commitments, and the meaning behind them, should be examined further.
While I am not suggesting that reneging on commitments is appropriate, I am putting forth that ruthless self-examination is always appropriate. However, the point of ruthless self-examination is not to cultivate a sense of guilt, but to learn balance in the area of commitments, and competence in keeping commitments made to one’s self.
Please join me this month in listening to the lecture I recently recorded for you, entitled Supreme Balance. In it I have given some suggestions for preparing for this year’s Peace Convocation, and some additional thoughts on this business of keeping the commitments you make to yourselves. While this may seem a small thing to some of you, it turns out to be a major spiritual stumbling block for many people.
Your loving Teacher,
Djwhal Khul
Daily Thought for Thursday, July 1, 2010
Daily Thought for Thursday, July 1, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the song of planet Earth be sung in full harmony to the uttermost parts of the universe this precious day.
by Master Djwhal Khul
May the song of planet Earth be sung in full harmony to the uttermost parts of the universe this precious day.
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