Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Wednesday, March 31, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

As this month dies away, may all egoic preoccupations die away from the Consciousness of the Soul's magnificence expressed through me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Tuesday, March 30, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I hold well the realization of enlightenment, knowing others need the full measure of my enlightenment and support.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Monday, March 29, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I be filled this day with goodness and love, and may I be continually aware of the suffering of others.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Sunday, March 28, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I ever be humbled by the power of love and grace, and may I offer both continually for the liberation of all sentient beings.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Saturday, March 27, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

I am so happy and grateful to be able to love and bless all sentient beings this day, knowing I have taken upon my own heart the heaviness of Earth.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Friday, March 26, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I hold all planetary beings as my own children this day, knowing I am the grace through which Earth loves her offspring.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Thursday, March 25, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

With eager heart, I offer to Earth this day, the profound mantra; "Let the Truth come forth!"

Communion with the Divine or your Guide

Communion with the Divine or your Guide
Getting in touch with your guide is the same as communing with the Divine. Your guide is an extension of you in your totality, but unlike you in your present sense of Awareness is Aware of you as you really Are. You are not what you think. What you think can only be what you thought before. There is nothing original about your thinking. Your thinking is like a computer that has stored information and is now running that information like a program on your computer.
To get in touch with your guide would be letting go of what you think, putting it side for the moment and becoming still. This of course takes practice and effort at first until it is second nature and the connection with your guide is so strong that you will come to a place where at time you will not be able to tell if what you are hearing are your thoughts or that of your guide. Your guide is there just as much as you are as Individuality in His or Her own rights but to you it may just be a thought connection or a feeling of Knowing something that you did not know before.
It may feel like someone else is in your mind because you do not think like that and where are these thoughts coming. It may also be that the thoughts that are coming to your feel different then the way you feel with your thinking.
With your thinking you may feel doubtful and unsure of yourself. You may also feel anxious and fearful, confused, not able to make a decision, thinking always in the past with a fear of the future. In fact you may not tell the difference between the past and the future and at time they seem the same.
Whereas with your guide the thoughts that come to you feel empower as if you know something before hand or that you can now see the big picture and how everything fits. There is this sense of order where your whole life is now beginning to make sense. You are beginning to feel less fearful and your thoughts are sorting out the confusion is going and the cloud of doubt is passing your by.
Your guide is not there to control you nor can he but to give you direction and a Knowing that you did not feel you had before. Your guide cannot control you because you always have the prerogative of choice in the matter. Your guide can instill in your thoughts and the ideas that you are looking for to give purpose and meaning to your life.
Your guide can show you the way but you must choose always what that way will be. You can look at your life as a map with many roads to choose from, but your guide is always standing there on your behalf to point the way or the direction that is best for you in any situation. He will teach you how to live not from your perspective where you are now feeling alone and separate but how to embrace life on its terms and embody all that you already are.

Your guide can teach about yourself and teach you who you really are by demonstrating to you and showing the evidence of who and what you are already. Your guide can show you the proof just like a treasure map show you’re where the treasure is and the path to that treasure and of course the treasure you are seeking is yourself in your totality.
Your guide cannot nor will he do it for you but he will show you the signpost alone the way that you are going in the right direction or not. Your guide will give you a total different perspective on life. He will not judge you but love you more then you are able to love yourself. Your guide will temporarily complete you until you can step in the shoes of where your guide is standing which is always at the threshold of your being.
Your guide stands at the door of You and knocks asking you to receive what he is willing to give eternal life.
Now, don’t believe me but find out for yourself by investigating and exploring this realm of being, by getting in touch with your guide.
Your guide is your friend forever and is there to teach you freedom from bondage. You are already free already but if you do not know that you are free what good is it. Your guide is free and that is why he can teach you freedom. He wants also thought he was bound by the material world and his thoughts but he learned to and through that process of remembering or Awakening he or she realized the Truth, the Truth that is you within and without. He has traveled the same path that you appear to be traveling on for a time but He is now both the journey and the destination just like you what you are seeking is you and when you are ready to find you then your teacher will appear and the teaching can begin.
You have tried to teach yourself by your own boot straps but because you had forgot your way you erred or became mistaken about who you are and now you have one who will Comfort you and will be your friend if you will let him. All it takes is an invitation by you for Him to enter into your life.
He will give to you the faith and the courage and the Knowing that you need to move forward and let the past go. He will show you your soul purpose for being here at this time.
The first thing for you to get in touch with your guide is invite Him or Her into your consciousness into your awareness and that is done through meditation. Getting a name from your guide is a very important step because that will link you with him and him with you.

This is done through meditation learning to become still enough so that you can listen to the voice within you that speak to your awareness and you’re Knowing.
The first step is meditation and that means concentrating on something that will take you attention from your thinking. What I have used and works aptly is your breath. By paying attention to your breath one can then detached from one’s thoughts or the outer mind.
Find a time and a place where you will not be distracted by the outer world that you can go to each time you want to meditate. Make it your temple of devotion if you will a place of comfort where you can if you like let down all your defenses. Turn your cell phone off and if the phone rings while you are meditating do not answer it. Close your door this is your time. Light a candle if you like, maybe some soft music at first but remember it is not the music that you are listening for but you guest your guide.
This is a quiet time so make sure you got done all your personal needs like going to the bathroom and taking care of any bodily needs. If you are a little hungry have a snack. If you do have some important phone calls or errands then do then first but remember to come back and find time to give yourself the chance to be still once again. It is in the stillness and the quietness of you inner being that you will come to know the Truth and hear the Voice for Truth. The Voice for Truth is also the Voice for Love.
Now I would suggest that you have a comfortable chair maybe not to comfortable because you do not want to go to sleep if you can help it. I know in the beginning I would fall asleep during meditation right in the chair but now I do not do that.
Sit straight as you can but comfortable and relaxed the more relaxed the better. When you relax you let go of stress and all that goes with it worry, fear and concern.
So this is an activity that is for you to relax and to learn to enjoy being in the moment. Now, if you like get you self a set of beads so that you can keep track of your breaths and the time. Doing a round of beads is a good start instead of using a watch that you will at first wanting to look up at is a distraction and just holding the beads in your hand and not counting them but with your fingers selecting each bead on the strand. Each single bead is a complete cycle of breath in and out. Holding each bead with your finger and thumb breathe in slowly and then out without forcing your breath breathe as natural as you can. One may start out by breathing a deep and loud breath and each time you breathe in again breath slower. If you breathe faster at first you will hear your breath, but if you breathe slower your breath will become quieter and calmer.
Your attention at this time is on your breath not on the beads and at first that may be a little distraction but it will passé just keep remembering to focus on your breath. Now if you do become distracted by our world things cars going by noise in the room or by your thoughts and feeling or by the beads you are grasping then gently notice them without any opinion or judgment and gently bring your attention back to the focus of your meditation and in this case it is your breath. Now all you are doing is being an observer and you are with intention observing your breath as it goes in and out.
Now there is also a still point between you in and out breath that is a pause notice that too because that is where your breath is changing from an in breath to an out breath or vice a versa. Keep watching your breath and if a thought comes to your attention or awareness notice it and then let it go and return to your breathing.
It is that simple to become still and after one has done this for awhile one will begin to notice what I call a still point where there is not thought of any kind a space between your thoughts as it has been said before. This still point of stillness is where you can listen.
Twenty minutes or if it is too difficult ten minutes is sufficient at first for this first time meditating. Do this preferably at the beginning of the new moon or start at the beginning of the week and do this for at least 30 days. Each seven day period assess your progress and compare it with your state of mind at the beginning. Keep a journal or a note book and write down if you can your daily meditations in your own word what you are feeling and what you thoughts are becoming and if there are any noticeable changes in you. Remember this is the first step
The next chapter will be the second step and that is the invitation and the asking or giving your guide permission to visit with you and asking for a name. Please practice this diligently with your whole heart, mind, body and strength because this is your beginning of freedom to Know your Self.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dialog with Shamballa

Channeling with Shamballa
This is a dialogue with my guide Shamballa. Shamballa is the name that was given me for my guide. One of his other names is Djwhal Khul. I am going to let him speak through me in my mind his thoughts and words rather then what I may think on the subject but he will use my mind as if it is me doing the talking or communicating which is okay because I realize that it is all one Source. My true Self that I am is also the Voice for Truth as is the true Self of Shamballa there is only one true voice in all of us that speaks only the Truth of what is.
Now as a distinct personality in human form I speak to him as an extension of my real Self because we are all one Self in all. This one Self is one Mind or universal Intelligence and this intelligence is pure Awareness and in Essence of being we are all pure Awareness and this Awareness is called Love.
Right now, I feel that Shamballa is inspiring me, filling my mind with his Spirit or energy and with that energy comes thought. I am filled with ideas, not just idea but meanings too. In other words with Shamballa for me it is a collaborative venture. We merge as one mind with his body and mine. His energy body over shadows mine and when that happens there is a raising up of consciousness into another plane of thought. The only thing this plane of thought is not personal but impersonal and universal or altruistic.
This energy field or vibration can speak to all minds as one or individually depending on the one that is accessing this consciousness. I am only a vehicle of thought on this level and my mind serves the Spirit.
This overshadowing is what a master teacher does with his students his cloak of consciousness or use of mind descends on the aspirant as a very fine atmosphere enveloping the student and merging with his own personal atmosphere or field of energy where they begin to become one or fused together. There is a point where student and teacher are really one. In truth one can say that you and the teacher are extensions of each other on different planes until you merge together on one plane.
Your teacher is helping you to expand your boundaries your energy field to so as to encompass everything in your experience by becoming one with everyone in your experience of the world. There is a union, a partnering with the other because of your energy field are so alike or akin to each other.
We all vibrate at different frequencies even though it is still light, but the spectrum of light has a visible and invisible range of perception even though it all exist at the same time. If you cause something to speed up its vibration, the faster it vibrates the more it becomes invisible. The reason one cannot see the spiritual world is because it is vibrating much faster than you are able to perceive it but if you will allow your consciousness to raise by attuning one’s self to the Consciousness of one who is already raised to that vibration body and mind, then your body and mind will also expand in vibration and consciousness.
What is needed is simply light and one can ask a master being to let his light shine in you and help you open up your centers of perception which will cause you to see with extra sensory perception into the more finer realm of light and being and this is where the masters of light and love exist but on a conscious level because in fact though you are not aware as yet exist on the same plane.
You have energy centers which when activated properly open up your mind or perception to the invisible world, the world of Spirit of God. This world is not somewhere else but is right here but is levels of perception are not raised high enough as yet to what is called spiritual sight. We do have glimpses at time because we are letting go for the moment but until we are willing to receive the light or Illumination fully so that are whole body is filled with light we will only have what appears as chance encounter or intercessions with these Divine Beings which is our Self operating on a higher plane of Consciousness. We will have visions and dream dreams until we fully Awaken these centers of consciousness which is our birth right to be experiencing right now. What we seek is the Consciousness of the Light because without light we can see nothing, it take light to see and the more that we want to see into the spiritual world the more light is needed until there is no more darkness of any kind.
The Light of the Illumination is what open up the door to the Self or the Kingdom of God that dwells in you right now and is you but you have not as yet come to embody it perfectly on all levels of perception mind body and soul. This light will, if it is intense enough open up your sight and the veil of ignorance will be rent and one is able to see into the Spiritual Kingdom of Self that is you now.
It is through much prayer and meditation and communion prayer without ceasing that you only thought is God and your flesh is the Light. It takes Self Discipline and true devotion to one who is completely Awake or to the Truth that is you your inner guide the Holy Spirit that will help initiate you into your full Awakening.
There are many way to approach this Light that is in your now. One can use phrases or words or thoughts that are in tune with your inner being that will speak the truth in your mind where one can focus one’s attention completely. If one can empty the mind of all thought and let it be filled with the Light then the body to will be filled with the Light and the regeneration or what is called the rebirth can happen this is when you are born of Spirit and not the flesh. There is a desire in your to know God or to Know Thy Self and if you will ask It the Self what it is to be in you and with you together it will reveal to you what the desire is. With the desire comes the movement of fulfillment that is your being coming to again know Itself through you and as you.
Now what is known in the mystery schools is what is called the “Dweller on the Threshold” and this dweller is what hides you from knowing your real Self. This dweller only dwells on one plane the plane of imagination and cannot dwell anywhere else because it can only exist in your imagination. This is not true desire that is coming from the movement of your inner being but is a false assumption of a presence that does not even exist but because of ignoring for so long one’s true Self as the Son of God one come to believe this false self to be the true one.
One has to with the light what mystery schools have said destroy it but all is really needed to do is undo or disregard it as if it never existed in the first place by embodying in mind and body and the world the true Self that is at the center of your being. The way to do that is to let the Self that you are embody your world and your body to the point where your flesh has become the Light.
One way to experience this rebirth is through transformation and renewal letting go of any assumptions that you have made to support what not true.
The one that is not true is always filled with fear and apprehension, guilt and anger and always looking to justify its existence by suggesting to you what is true is not true and what is false as true.
One Self that is true will always lead you in the paths of righteousness filled with peace, love and joy and the other will lead you to destruction, bondage and all of the negative emotions one can conjure up. Either way you are doing it all to yourself creating a kingdom where you experience yourself as you really are fulfilled in everything you do or making for yourself a prison in your own mind that is a prison for everyone else you perceive.
God loves you Holy with His whole mind, heart and soul and strength do the same with God and love God as you understand Him or Her back by loving all that there is in your world of experience and mind.
Let your one thought be “I am that I am and ask that which is the Truth in you to reveal in your experience this I am Consciousness which is your divinity held in trust for you right now.
We are all looking for a kingdom of Heaven not in some distant future but now this Instant this moment. We want to see our world as the Kingdome of God. Well my brothers and sisters, it is but you and those who are not as yet Awake that must be begin to be willing to see as the Gods see, because with us everything we look at is Divine all of it all the time. We who are Awake your brothers and sisters see everything as God or Divine more then you see everything as not God or just physical.
Ask to see the Divinity of each one your meet and of the whole earth. If you can see just one person or thing as divine then you will see everything that way all the time. Pick whatever comes to your mind to see it in its divinity or it true nature of being. Yes, see it in light the Light that emanates from everything there is. See the Light with new vision and by doing so rebirth the world you see and be rebirth in it.
I was going to make some introductions which I did but Shamballa as a way of just stepping in to the dialogue and I just let him speak. The Spirit is giving me the words in my mind and I am just typing them out on the keyboard.
Thank you Shamballa for your Inspiration of Truth and may it raise the consciousness of all mankind to a true Awakening which is ours to see right now. Let the kingdom of Heaven be experienced as if it is on earth because it is.

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Wednesday, March 24, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I find within my heart this day, silent appreciation for all the mysteries of Earth I do not understand.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Tuesday, March 23, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

I am happy and indeed fortunate to know and share the great Love that supports and nurtures the beings of Earth.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Sunday, March 21, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I be filled this day with the Love of the Source, and may I share that love with all planetary beings.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Saturday, March 20, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May my heart be fearless this day, and may it offer only goodness and kindness in the face of a struggling world.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Friday, March 19, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

With gratitude and happiness, I send grace and wisdom to the uttermost parts of the planet, blessing all who suffer and struggle.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Thursday, March 18, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May the suffering of others cause me to offer love this day with fearless dignity that cuts through the ego mind.

Dialogue with Shamballa

Dialog with Shamballa

Q What is it like to live in the world witnessing the Kingdom of Heaven in everything and everyone. Can this experience of Heaven be one that is experienced by everyone at anytime and anywhere no matter their station in life or in this world? Is it true that the realm that you are experiencing everything is really right here and now but without all the distortions of this world that has been made up and is only held in place by the beliefs of mankind? The Etheric Realm is not something to be experienced in the hereafter but in the here and now.
A Shamballa: Good evening to all of you here with me tonight in the here and now and not some place in your imagination but reality as it is experienced without any distortion or bias in anyway being pure Light, Life and love as a synthesis and therefore a Whole. The question in John’s mind is while you are here experiencing life in a limited fashion can y you tune in and tune out and of course you can. One can tune in to the point that the world you see ordinarily will disappear and what will reappear is what is called the celestial realm where one can and will see the masters of light walk the earth. All one does is to tune into one’s mind’s eye and letting appear what is really here all the time the kingdom of heaven where everything is seen fresh and anew without the outer mind muddled with incomplete thought that does not give a clear view of the world as it really is being light and love. One can open the mind’s eye and see everything in light literally golden light which is heaven on earth.
There are celestial bldg or structures that are clothed and enveloped by light because the substance of these temples is love and light and they are use only for that purpose as a place to gather together in communion with the one Light.
You have a body that can also be experienced in living light and anything in the material realm can also be experienced in an enveloping light the substance of which is love.
The celestial realm is not in a physical place but is in mind and there for because it is infinite mind it can be experienced anywhere in the universe and at any time by anyone who so chooses to walk through that door of perception. Everything that is created is created out of the substance of the universal mind which is also love or Spirit the self same spirit that you are and everyone and everything is. This substance is eternal and so all that is created or thought out of this substance is also eternal. You are eternal you will never die only in your imagination which is the belief that you hold true, but just let go of your belief in your mortality for a moment and experience yourself in a new way which is not really new but appears to be because you have not experience yourself this way for a long time and that is just it this state of being is not experienced in time but in eternity. You are not a body even thought you think and act as if that is all you are with thoughts and feelings. You are more than the body. You are what created the body or thought the body into existence. You are the space between your breath. You are the breath the living Essence of Everything but that has to be experienced in order to be Known and then embodied. You are Light and Love. You are Life eternal. You are what God created you to be. You are more than just your thoughts and feelings. You are the Knowingness the Awareness that knows that you are you.
Asked the Knowing part of you to reveal the You that You really Are, which is beyond what you think and feel or what your body is sensing as real. Ask your Self what would it be like to be authentic not made up or imagined but what you are that lives on past anything you imagine or thought real for on this level of perception all will change but ask your Self what is that is you that will not change that is forever you. Ask that pure Awareness what is the truth that I am and then let it be, let it appear in your life and embrace it as you would a long lost love that has returned and you have come home.
Behold I stand at the door and knock, give me entrance, give me permission, invite me in as your friend and elder brother who has passed through the portals of time long ago and will give you a hand that will help you to pass through too. Listen to my voice. It is at a distance at first, but the more you listen to it the nearer it become until you realize it is your voice you are listening to. As you invite so you are invited. This is where self meet self and they become one. This is where heaven meet earth and they are seen as one.
See the Love that is God in everything and you will once again Know Heaven on earth. Gods Voice speaks in everyone and everything it is the message of Truth and Freedom the Truth that you can be what you are and the Freedom to be it because you are already what God has created you to be. How can it be otherwise?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Wednesday, March 17, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

With gratitude and happiness, I offer the goodness I have received to all who could use a special blessing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Tuesday, March 16, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May the suffering of others cause me to love this day with fearless honesty, touching the profound mystery of Divine Love.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Monday, March 15, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

Today I give thanks for the expanding and encompassing flow of grace, and I direct that flow to all who have cause to suffer.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Sunday, March 14, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May my love this day be pure and sincere, and may I fearlessly offer love to all I meet.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Saturday, March 13, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

Today I gratefully acknowledge the richness of all my experiencing, and I offer it up to all beings everywhere, that they may know comfort in the face of suffering, peace in the face of turmoil.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Friday, March 12, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

I am so grateful for the privilege of offering Earth's love to all Her offspring, and I offer my full efforts as a testimony to Her great love.
Daily Thought

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Thursday, March 11, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May I be transformed this day into the love energy of planet Earth, and may I offer Her gift to all her children.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daily Thought

Daily Thought for Wednesday, March 10, 2010
by Master Djwhal Khul

May the power of true compassion wash through me this day, filling my heart with profound love and kindness.