Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dialogue with Shamballa

Dialog with Shamballa

Q What is it like to live in the world witnessing the Kingdom of Heaven in everything and everyone. Can this experience of Heaven be one that is experienced by everyone at anytime and anywhere no matter their station in life or in this world? Is it true that the realm that you are experiencing everything is really right here and now but without all the distortions of this world that has been made up and is only held in place by the beliefs of mankind? The Etheric Realm is not something to be experienced in the hereafter but in the here and now.
A Shamballa: Good evening to all of you here with me tonight in the here and now and not some place in your imagination but reality as it is experienced without any distortion or bias in anyway being pure Light, Life and love as a synthesis and therefore a Whole. The question in John’s mind is while you are here experiencing life in a limited fashion can y you tune in and tune out and of course you can. One can tune in to the point that the world you see ordinarily will disappear and what will reappear is what is called the celestial realm where one can and will see the masters of light walk the earth. All one does is to tune into one’s mind’s eye and letting appear what is really here all the time the kingdom of heaven where everything is seen fresh and anew without the outer mind muddled with incomplete thought that does not give a clear view of the world as it really is being light and love. One can open the mind’s eye and see everything in light literally golden light which is heaven on earth.
There are celestial bldg or structures that are clothed and enveloped by light because the substance of these temples is love and light and they are use only for that purpose as a place to gather together in communion with the one Light.
You have a body that can also be experienced in living light and anything in the material realm can also be experienced in an enveloping light the substance of which is love.
The celestial realm is not in a physical place but is in mind and there for because it is infinite mind it can be experienced anywhere in the universe and at any time by anyone who so chooses to walk through that door of perception. Everything that is created is created out of the substance of the universal mind which is also love or Spirit the self same spirit that you are and everyone and everything is. This substance is eternal and so all that is created or thought out of this substance is also eternal. You are eternal you will never die only in your imagination which is the belief that you hold true, but just let go of your belief in your mortality for a moment and experience yourself in a new way which is not really new but appears to be because you have not experience yourself this way for a long time and that is just it this state of being is not experienced in time but in eternity. You are not a body even thought you think and act as if that is all you are with thoughts and feelings. You are more than the body. You are what created the body or thought the body into existence. You are the space between your breath. You are the breath the living Essence of Everything but that has to be experienced in order to be Known and then embodied. You are Light and Love. You are Life eternal. You are what God created you to be. You are more than just your thoughts and feelings. You are the Knowingness the Awareness that knows that you are you.
Asked the Knowing part of you to reveal the You that You really Are, which is beyond what you think and feel or what your body is sensing as real. Ask your Self what would it be like to be authentic not made up or imagined but what you are that lives on past anything you imagine or thought real for on this level of perception all will change but ask your Self what is that is you that will not change that is forever you. Ask that pure Awareness what is the truth that I am and then let it be, let it appear in your life and embrace it as you would a long lost love that has returned and you have come home.
Behold I stand at the door and knock, give me entrance, give me permission, invite me in as your friend and elder brother who has passed through the portals of time long ago and will give you a hand that will help you to pass through too. Listen to my voice. It is at a distance at first, but the more you listen to it the nearer it become until you realize it is your voice you are listening to. As you invite so you are invited. This is where self meet self and they become one. This is where heaven meet earth and they are seen as one.
See the Love that is God in everything and you will once again Know Heaven on earth. Gods Voice speaks in everyone and everything it is the message of Truth and Freedom the Truth that you can be what you are and the Freedom to be it because you are already what God has created you to be. How can it be otherwise?

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