Dialogue with Shamballa
Q: Shamballa would you please speak on the Buddha’s teaching and Dharma. Would you please speak on the Four Noble Truths and the eight fold path and compare it with the Christ's teachings the differences and the similarities. Thank you!
A: Greetings all of you that can hear my voice right now in your mind. Listen not only to the words that are in your mind, but listen or rather feel the meaning behind the words. The words are only symbols of the reality that they symbolize. Words can get in the way of the true meanings because of how we interpret them and that has happened with all masters, Christ’s and Buddha’s teachings. Unless one is enlightened and can hear the Word from which everything is created, which is soundless and yet it is being everything there is, meaning your true nature it will be misinterpreted.
One must learn to think with the heart and that is to feel the words and their meaning and not your interpretation which for you must be logical to your interpretation of Reality. It must conform to you concepts of what you think that reality is. This makes for a misperception from the true teaching which cannot really be spoken, but only felt or experienced. To feel something is to sense beyond what you call physical. Feeling is a non-physical sense orientation.
As human beings we think something is true and with our physical senses establish what is true for us based on the perceptions we are having of thing or object. What you think, is what you will see, but is our thinking accurate? In other words, is the object we have perceived with our physical senses based on what we think is there accurate. Perception of anything is really an interpretation of what is there. If we believed that the moon was made out of cheese that is how we would perceive it. If we believed that the earth was flat and the center of the universe and we all mutually agreed, that is how we would see it and if we believed that the nature of reality is dualistic then we would see it that way so that opposites would be just as much reality as anything else. For us then they would coexist.
To transcend duality one must see that with opposites one is true and one is not and that they really cannot coexist. One would rule out the other if you choose to believe that fear is real then that would be your experience until you chose differently.
Now I am going to say that Reality is not dualistic as one would believe but is singular and the one Reality that always was, is and will be is Love and the nature of love is what we all are. Love is not something you do to another it is what you are being.
The enlightened Self or Buddha Nature or Christ nature is eternal Love. This is what bliss is and this is what Spirit is and this Love is also life and limitless Light.
When one has an experience or a glimpse of the Real which is you in your totality of being and one see the Self as you the true nature of Reality as the Buddha did that is the door, that is when the veil of ignorance has parted for that moment and one is permitted to see into the unseen not with physical sight but with spiritual sight which takes the very Light of your true nature to come forth and shine but until one has fully embraced one’s Divine Nature in one Self and in each and everyone and everything in the Cosmos and one has embodied this light, Life and Love as the very flesh of your being you are not fully awake.
Once must embody or let in the Essence of what you are until there is nothing else and your body is become a body of light and your world as become transformed into a world of light where there are no shadows and not darkness and where the sun is always shinning. A world where you no longer die or are born and there is no sickness of any kind and where you are free from any limitations that you once perceived as true.
It is where your body now is perpetually regenerating every cell in every moment and where you are eternally alive for ever as Spirit.
This Reality which is Singular already exist and in this state of mind which is the true nature of mind which is light and the substance of which is love and all of this energy of the Cosmos is Life eternal, is what we are in our totality that means we are one with all of the universe all of the stars and planets and beings that have been created out of this one light and one universal mind.
That is the Enlightened Self but as long as your see another self that is as true to you in your mind as the one that is Awakened you are not free from limitation, suffering and death.
The human condition is one where you step out of your Enlightened Self only as in a dream and in so doing imagined a self being a a human being or a mortal who is born into a world of the senses, suffers and dies, because you have chosen to believe what is not true about you, so that you can have your own independence and freewill to choose what you want reality to be and because you have the power of the universe to back you up, you experience what you have chosen, a body that is limited and a mind that is limited and a realm that is limited which is always only a misperception set in time for awhile, until you decide that you to not want to experience creation this way anymore and that now that you know that there is another way to experience everything that has always been the way to experience everything which is lovingly, you are now willing to let go of your limited perception and beliefs and to now sense everything as it really is and the way it has always been created out of love and light.
No matter what you think you will never really die or suffer anything only in dreams, but now you are ready to awaken to the real Self and to the real world the kingdom of Heaven and to experience it right here on earth and with this body you have.
As long as you choose to believe in this mortal realm of experience as the only way to experience life based on a three dimensional view of the world, where one experience decay and sickness and nothing last but is turned into dust, you will have made for yourself with everyone else that still chooses to dream dreams a human condition and a mass mind of thought that has no reality in the Kingdom of Heaven and is where you are right now and will always be even though in time you are experiencing two world one of fear and one of love which is more in the hereafter then eternally right now.
This is only because you are as your believe a separate being trying to establish your own sense of reality and power as a independent entity no matter if that illusionary self you have identified is suffering or not, it is myself and I made it that way.
I am choosing to believe that the self that I made in my mind is the real self and that the son or daughter of God is a false self that the Father created is not true. I want my own independence of power and to do things my way. I still want to experience the pleasures and the desires of the flesh and this world of my own making even though I know it will never last, but at least I can be my own self and say with a knowledge of self importance I did it my way.
This is the ego assertion of a personal limited will that is holding itself separate from what God created or what Life is being. You are not limited in any way but because of that you can choose to make anything your desire, but unless it is a true desire it will not last and you will suffer the lost. You can never really establish yourself as real because you are already real as God the Source of your being created you and you are the extension of what this Source or Creator is being.
God created you Holy which means you lack in nothing and imbued you with a will to create. Now you either create in the image of God or you make. What you create in the image of God is always holy and eternal but what you make will change into nothing.
Now I am not at this time going to go into the Buddha’s teaching to compare with you what is true or not. I am letting you decide what is true for you or not by what is real and what is not real, because that is the only comparison that is worthwhile.
What is Real is what truly exist and what is not never really existed only in a separated mind. If you base the teachings of Buddha or the Christ on what is real and what is not you will not err. Remember what is Real is what is you and what is not real is only in your imagination. There are not two realities going on at the same time that are opposed to each other there is only one and that one is your natural inheritance to be experiencing right now.
The impermanence or what appears to be unsubstantial is only what you make up in your mind and the mind is where everything is experienced, there in nothing out there or outside of your mind. Your mind is eternal as is Gods and what you project in your mind is what you make to be real. The permanent is the Real always and that is what God is creating now. It is only your impermanent idea and beliefs that are unreal.
It your perception or the way you are choosing to see reality or creation that is impermanent. That is what changes. The Changeless is the Buddha or the Christ's nature and the emptiness is what you project of itself as your perceive it is what is empty. There is that which is beyond the world of emptiness the Pure Land or Heaven that is changeless and is substance as God the Creator created it and what is this Creator, Mind and what is this Mind Spirit. This is the Essence of everything and What God Spirit creates or extends from Itself is what you are. The reason for creation is to Know Thy Self. God Knows ItSelf through its creation and God Knows ItSelf through us and as us because is Its creation.
Emptiness means nothing of itself exist, that there is something that gives it existence and therefore meaning, not a meaning it would give itself but a meaning that is what it is in its true nature of being and that means what God is being it.
The self you have made is what is empty, the world that you have made by your report of your five senses based on what you believe is there is empty. The substance of what is being is full.
There is a law of nature and that is ‘Nature abhors a vacuum.’ There is no real space or time all is filled and all is eternal in the mind of God and that is the only mind there really is and infinitely so.
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